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   As I stared up at the black ceiling, my mind was empty. There were no thoughts in my mind, just emptiness. It had been over two years since I moved back to California. Nothing changed, except for me. I could hear the sound of the fan from the corner of my room blowing. My hand was folded neatly on my stomach as I inhaled, and exhaled softly. I've been living g with my Uncle Dean, my parents passed away last year. They were camping, and a bear attacked them in the midst of the night.
    I turned my head slightly to read the digital clock that was on my nightstand. 3:45am. I groaned, rubbing my hands roughly over my face. I threw the duvet over my legs, Goosebumps quickly rose over my bare legs. My feet touched the cold wooden floor as I stretched my limbs. My neck cracks in the process. A yawn left my lips when I barely lifted my feet off the floor to walk to the bathroom.  Luckily I was an only child so I didn't have to worry about the hot water being gone. I grabbed a towel from the closet that was in my bathroom. Another yawn escaped my lips, and I couldn't help but cringe when I smelled my breath. The smell of leftover takeout from the Chinese place downtown was all I could smell. I turned and looked in the mirror. My hair was a rat's nest. It looked like I hadn't brushed it in days, if not weeks.
     I had mascara rubbed over my eyes making me look like a racoon. I grabbed a make up wipe and rubbed my eyes quickly, getting rid of the mascara. Sighing, I throw the dirty makeup wipe out and run my fingers through my hair. I had done every single research that I could find in my Uncle's hunting book, yet there hasn't been a single hint as to where he'd be. He was good at that, especially when it came to other demons trying to track him. My dad was also a hunter, then there was me. I took in my father's footsteps after my mother was killed. That's when I learned about hunters, and the supernatural world being real and it wasn't just some folklore, or urban legends. My Uncle's room was trashed, destroying any evidence that could help me find him, and what he's hunting for. I had to go to someone, but my father was more of a loner when it came to hunting. All he had was my father, after him, there was nobody.
    I let the water rush my face as I held my breath. The steam from the water felt nice the burning feeling loosened my muscles as I relaxed. Bang! The sound of the door opened to the apartment. I quickly turned the water off and stayed still, as I listened to the intruder. Silence, there wasn't a peep. I knew it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me, I was quick to open the glass door and hop out. I grab my purple silk robe that was hanging on the hook on the bathroom door. Tip-toeing my way to the corner where my kitchen was I could see a shadow figure. I mentally slapped myself for not grabbing the knife that I hide in every room, I had one hidden under my sink incase of emergencies if I were in a situation like this. I couldn't turn around, it's too late. My back was pressed against the wall, as I made sure to check for my shadow, there wasn't one. I slide my back around the corner to help keep myself from being visible. There wasn't anyone there. I sighed, showing myself to the intruder as I stalked my way to the living room. The only sound I could hear were the cicadas from the woods. Before I could turn around something hard slammed against my back. A grunt left my lips when I fell to the hardwood floor. I quickly recovered, I quickly elbowed the person in the ribs. A pained groan left his lips as I was able to get on top of the person. My breathing was unsteady, as my hand was wrapped around the man's neck, almost choking him. My fist was in the air, till it stilled.
    "What the fuck?" I surrendered, dropping my first and letting go of the man's neck.
     A smirk was plastered on his lips, I wanted to slap his smirk away. I glared at the man below me as I had my hands resting on his chest. My fingers rested against the cool zipper of his black leather jacket.
      "Hello to you too, sweetheart." He had a flirtatious look in his hazel eyes.
       "What the hell are you doing here Will?" I was still sitting on his stomach, not daring to move as I was still in shock.
        It's been three years since I've seen him last. He would come every summer for barbecues, he was a close family friend with my Uncle and dad. He was around my age, only three years older than me. He and I always had a flirtatious relationship, there were times where I thought there was something between us. That maybe we could've been more, but he left. He left without saying goodbye to me. That's when I decided to slap his face.
      "Ow!" He looked shocked, and then he noticed the angry look on my face.
       "You fucking asshole, you have no right coming into my apartment at four in the morning! You left for three years, now all of a sudden you break into my house and I almost attack you!" I say as I slapped his chest in between each sentence. And he lets me, as I tried not to cry.
      I could feel my chest tightening, my throat felt tight as well. I couldn't help but cry, my slapping got weaker, then I stopped. I leaned forward, wrapping my arms around his head as I sobbed into his chest. Too many emotions were on my mind, and seeing Will again made my emotions even more confusing. He moved below me, his arms wrapped around my waist, as he pulled me closer to him. We stayed there for quite some time, but I was beginning to lose feeling in my right leg.
   I slowly unraveled my arms from his neck as I started to lean back. His hands were still on my Lipe. His hands were warm, I could feel the heat through my robe. I cleared my throat, wiping my eyes as I let out an embarrassed laugh. I use Will's chest for balance to get up. I made sure to get up without showing my private area. It's not like we hadn't seen each other naked before, as we had had sex a few times when we had friends with benefits, but it's different this time. Will was still on the floor, as I was heading towards the kitchen.
     "Do you want any coffee?" I asked, turning the light on to show some light.
     "Sure." The tension was still there, and I was trying not to look at him for too long.
      "What are you doing here?" I felt guilty for how harsh I was, but I had to guard my heart from another heartache.
   "To see you." I rolled my eyes, my fingers barely grazing over the black mug that was always too high for me to reach. 
     "Need some help?" I shake my head, as I continue to struggle to get the mug.
      I felt a hand against the small of my back. A quiet gasp escapes my lips, his chest pressed against my back. I didn't have to turn around to see the smug look on his face.
       "I see I still make you flustered." I glared at him.
        "Cut to the chase William." I dragged out his name, knowing how much he hated his full name.
        The smug look on his face faltered, it turned into a more serious one.
        "Dean hadn't called back." I nodded my head, blowing softly at the hot coffee in my hands.
        "Uncle Dean doesn't call back while he hunts. Sure it worries me sometimes, but he could handle himself." I lied, as I had been trying to find any clues as to where he is the last nine months.
         As I looked at Will more I could see how much he's changed. How his shoulder became more broad, his face had aged a bit but he still looked like the same guy from three years ago. He still had the same slit on his left eyebrow from his first hunt when he got attacked by a werewolf. He went to Indianapolis those few months with my dad and Uncle. I wasn't allowed to go, they said I didn't have "enough experience" when I had plenty. Will had hazel eyes, with the soft tan that was on his skin made his eyes pop even more. He was still in the same black leather jacket, he always had the "bad boy" look. I've honestly never seen him wear any other colors besides black, tan, or any other shades of brown or dark colors. He's never been the type to wear bright colors. His hair had gotten longer, curly locks that rested past his shoulder blades. He had soft blonde highlights in his caramel brown hair. I noticed that he had a tattoo on his neck, he always had a knack for tattoos. For his first tattoo he had gotten a skull that rested on his back. From there he had so many that I myself had lost track. I only had one, a lavender on my sternum, just underneath my breasts where my cleavage ends.
     "Look, I'm being serious. I think something happened to him. He promised me that he'd be back by now, and you always told me that if I think something is wrong I should come to you. Especially when it comes to Dean." I bite my lower lip.
        "I stopped hunting, you know that." I said, leaning against the counter. My elbows resting on the counter as I leaned my head back to look up at Will.
         "I know that's not true. Especially when there's a powerful werewolf out there that's trying to form an Alpha pack. You know the laws of Werewolves turning humans, same goes for vampires." I stayed silent, I have been doing research, but it's only to find my Uncle.
           "You're the best hunter I know, you're the best at hiding your tracks. You know how to hunt, you're the only person I could trust." But I feel there's more to this, but he was always so closed off with his feelings.
             "I dunno." Was all I say, I could see him getting frustrated. He throws his hands into his locks as he turns to face the counter.
            He lightly slaps his hand on the counter, I didn't even jump one bit. He does this when he's thinking, and I knew that he was trying to think of something to say.
             "What do you want me to say?" He rasped, his voice was in a softer tone.
              "You know what I want you to say." He won't say it, he'll never say those three words that I want him to say.
                "You know that we can't. Hunters are not allowed to be with each other, and if we do then we'd have our marks erased."
                "It didn't stop us any other time!" I eyed him, our eyes remained focused on one another.
                "That was before you joined the hunters world. You weren't apart of this, you didn't know anything about this. I wanted it to stay that way, reasons why I left. I couldn't get close to you, then your parents died. Dean needed help hunting the creatures that killed them. It was a hybrid, Kal Vaughn. Kal is who you're trying to find. Dean took all evidence of him because he knew you'd figure out where he's gone. He didn't want you going after him, because he was after all of you, the whole family. Dean wanted me to come find you because if he'd gone missing, or didn't come back, it is for me to protect you." I finally looked away, glancing down at my toes. I wiggled my toes and looked at the black nail polish painted neatly on them.
             "I could take care of myself." Will laughed, rubbing the stubble on his chin.
              I didn't notice but he was wearing a few rings. One on his thumb, the other in his pinky, and he had the hunters tattoo on his hand. He's never been the type to wear jewelry, but things change once you don't see someone for a few years.
             "I'm sure you can." I raised an eyebrow up at him, the way he said it made it sound like I was wrong. That I didn't know how to defend myself.
              "Please, come with me before he finds you." He?
               "What do you mean he?" I asked, wanting to know who's after me.
                "There's no time to explain, just please?" He had his hand out for me to take, I stared at it long and hard, not sure if I should trust him.
                   Something inside me just doesn't believe this is what my Uncle would want. Yet, at the same time I knew that my Uncle Dean cared more for my safety than himself. I let go of the mug in my right hand, and placed it on the counter top. My hand slowly goes in his, and then he rushes me to my bedroom.
                      Will was never like this, sometimes I feel like I'm talking to a whole other person. He's more confident, more stern, he wasn't the same man I grew up with. He used to always joke whenever tensions were high to make me smile, never had I thought he'd become this person. The type to hold emotions, to have a mind like a hunter. But once you become a hunter there are many laws, and once you break them, you will have your ruins stripped. It happened to my father, he had his ruins wiped away when he met my mother. My mother was born from a mundane family, she had no clue of the supernatural world. Hunters made sure to keep the supernatural world hidden from the real world.
             I stayed where I was by the doorway of my own room. There was a duffle bag on my bed, and draws to my white dresser were opened. Clothes were everywhere as I watched Will pack my bag. It was like he was scared, alert, wanting to get out before this demon tries to come into my apartment.  
            "Will, slow down!" I shouted, rushing to his side. The sheer panic was on his face when he paused.
             "He's here." He whispered, looking out the window that was next to my bed. I had the curtains pulled to the side, as I liked to have the sun peaking during the day. At night I always had my windows covered, I can't believe I forgot to do that tonight.
              He zips up the duffle bag and grabs my hand. He had the duffle bag in the other as he dragged me out of the room.
             I had everything here. My Uncle's room was across from mine, he had everything in there. Weapons, spell books, Bibles, holy water, you name it he had it. I just hope my Uncle casted a spell in the room so the demons, or from our enemies won't go in there. I didn't care that I didn't have anything to cover me up, all I had was my robe covering my body. I had yet to get changed, I had forgotten I was still wearing it.
            "Get to the car." I nodded my head, quickly grabbing my boots that are on the shoe rack that was in front of the bay window in the living room. 
             Of course he still had the old car that his dad gave him when he was sixteen. It looked brand new, he always took care of the car. He had a black Ford ThunderBird. I always admired the car, even still to this day I do. I tried to calm my racing heart, not sure of what type of supernatural creature was lurking. I quickly got in the car, with my boots in hand as I was quick to put them on. I noticed a figure walking out of the house and noticed that it was Will. He had the duffle bag in his hands. It only took him a few minutes to get out of the building. Luckily my apartment was only on the first floor. Will opened the trunk of the thunderbird and tossed the bag in. I jumped slightly when the truck slammed shut.
            "Where are you taking me?" My voice wavered slightly, he was scaring me, the way he's acting right now.
             He turned his head, his arm out as he rested it on the back of my seat to look behind the back window. Quickly pulling out of the parking lot as he drove fast down the road. He didn't answer for a few minutes.
              "We're going to Pat's." Pat was an old friend of my father.
                He was like a grandfather to me, he always told me about the mythical creatures to help me go to sleep. He told me about a Green witch who fell in love with a human. Their love ending tragedy due to it being forbidden. Pat told me that he was a human, still to this day he would visit Sonja at her grave. He would always tell me how kind she was, how she cared for those around her.
                "I hadn't seen him in ages." Relief flooded my body, my muscles were less tense. I wiped the sweat that was tickling my skin as I let out a relieved sigh.
                I caught Will's eyes glancing over at me every now and then. A coy smirk plastered my lips. I glanced down and noticed that my cleavage was showing my tattoo. My left leg laid on top of mine as I crossed my arms over my chest. My breasts squished together in the process. Will cleared his throat, and I could tell he was having a battle with himself. His hands twitched on the wheel, he adjusted his body as he squeezed his eyes. He licks his lips that were slightly chapped. I was a bit disappointed that he didn't let his thoughts win, I knew the reasons why, but sometimes I really wished that he would just break the act for once.
               Uncle Pat lived in Virginia, it was a seven hour trip to Virginia from Manhattan.
              "After we find Uncle Dean I'm done with hunting. I mean it, and Dean needs to stop too. He's getting to that age where he has to calm down before he breaks himself. He's almost in his sixties, yes he looks good for his age but he's gotta learn to settle down." I said, as I rested my head against the headrest.
               "I'm twenty six years old, I want to have a family, I want to have kids, and marry a man who isn't a hunter. I stopped for a few years because I went to college. Uncle Dean had saved enough money for me to go to NYU, and I took it. It was the best thing I've ever done, and now it was all a waste." I wasn't even sure why I was spilling out all of my thoughts. It just came out of me like vomit, that's the effect Will had on me. The silence, like he was waiting for the bomb to blow up inside my brain and the words spit out.
     "You will have that life Elena." I snorted, knowing that it wouldn't happen.
     "It won't, I won't live a normal life Will." I wanted to cry, I knew what I was getting into when I was sixteen, and now I regret every single moment of my childhood wasting to save mundanes.
  "You won't be miserable forever Elena." I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say. Though there was nothing to say. 
     With that I closed my eyes, maybe sleeping will help me calm my nerves

DARKEST PLEASURES; A VAMPIRE LOVE STORYWhere stories live. Discover now