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Age 18

     It was summer time, so my Uncle decided to throw a barbecue due to the nice weather. Dad was saying that Will and Pat were coming for dinner. I hadn't seen Will in almost a year, he and Pat go hunting a lot. Sometimes Will would show me some deer or some fish he'd caught while he was on his hunting trip. Will and Pat would go visit Harry in Texas, he had a cabin in the woods where they'd stay at for whenever they visit. Harry was Will's older brother, they were ten years apart. Henry got married with his high school sweetheart and they had two kids. They don't visit much, as Henry was growing his family. He was a teacher, Heather was a nurse at the general hospital. So it was nice to see everyone together and not have to stress.
     I was a little too excited to see Will, as I had been in love with him since we were thirteen. When we were younger we were always close, almost as if we have known each other in a past life. He may act like your typical douche, but he was actually the nicest guy you'll ever meet. He was very closed off, like he was hiding some big secret. Will wasn't just your average sixteen year old teenage boy. He was the opposite, he was more mature than most of the boys I knew. Sometimes I'd feel like I'm talking to someone older, like he wasn't my age. He was a few years older than me, but most teenagers his age were hooking up with girls, drinking and going to parties every night, but Will would miss half the school year off on some secret mission. I always tried to get him to tell me, and each time he would always change the topic.
     "Elena, the McVavenaugh's are here!" I could feel the butterflies in my stomach, I checked in the mirror one last time.
     I decided to wear my bikini top, I already took a dip in the pool so why should I bother changing if I was just going to get in again? I wore my black denim shorts that hugged my curves perfectly. Will's favorite color was black, so I thought in order to get his attention why not wear his favorite color? My hair was a darker brown, almost black. My hair was almost to my waist that summer, for the first time that day my hair was down in its natural waves. I usually straightened my hair, but today was a different kind of day. Today I will get Will's attention, I'm excited, yet terrified. I'm terrified if he doesn't notice me, that I have done all of this for nothing. That I'll basically be breaking my back to show off for his attention. I may sound like a desperate teenage girl, maybe I am, that's besides the point. I was in love with him, every teenage girl would do anything in their power to have their crush look at them the same way you do.
    I quickly grabbed my piña colada chapstick that rested on my bed that I carry with me everywhere. I quickly applied some to my lips, rubbing my lips together to even the product. Shoving the chapstick in my front pocket I grabbed my phone and quickly left the room. I made sure to clean every inch, made sure to put every piece of clothing neatly in my closet, I even rearranged my room last night because it was bothering me that it had stayed the same for the last three years. I rushed down the stairs of the lake house. Every summer we would visit the lake house to take a break from the real world. My uncle would teach me self defense, along with using some weapons.
     That was the summer that I learned I was great at throwing knives. At highschool parties I would show off to the guys with my dart throwing skills. Bullseye every single time. The popular kids would always ask me to go to their parties, it made me feel wanted. I already knew that they just wanted to see me do my tricks, but at the moment I didn't care. I liked the attention, the thrill of being wanted. That was the year that I was actually able to get a boyfriend. Only for him to dump me one random night before I three months of being together, saying it wasn't working out. I felt so stupid that day, thinking that he had liked me all along, but he was just using me.
    "Hold it!" I groaned, I was just about to go outside until Dad stopped me.
    "Go change." I rolled my eyes.
     "Oh c'mon! I'm going to be going in the pool anyway!" I said, pointing to the back slide doors.
       "You have many other bathing suits and you chose that one?" My father was suspicious, as we made eye contact.
         "Dad, it's a bathing suit. There's no one out there that I want to impress." I lied, that was far from the truth.
     "Graham, leave her be." Thank God for my mother. She was always the one to make the peace.
       "Elena, why don't you say hello to the guests?" My mother gives me a soft smile, I knew that she was going to talk to my father about being overprotective.
        I quickly walked towards the backdoor. Before I could open the slide doors I hid behind the wooden pillar. I made sure not to lean too much on the pillar, due to my mother decorating it with lights to make it look nicer. My parents have been fighting more than usual, I frowned, knowing that this fight was about me this time.
       "She's not allowed to be with him." I rolled my eyes, of course my father would say that.
        "Will's a good guy Graham." She was right about that, yet my father still disapproved.
         "She's a teenager, of course She's going to be through the phase where she's going to start having feelings. But as of now she is not allowed to date, end of story." I pursued my lips together, not wanting to hear what else they had to say. My father already had his mind made up.
        I opened the slide door to the patio. Will was already in the pool along with Pat. I stopped when I saw Will. He was more toned than I remembered, you could tell he works out at least six times a day. The last time I saw him he wasn't as muscular, but now, his body was more defined. His arms were more jacked, I couldn't stop staring at the man in front of me.  My mouth was dry, he quickly looked over at my direction. His eyes were just as beautiful as I remembered. The sun made him look more beautiful, I wished the sun wouldn't have him squint. I want to see his hazel eyes. I loved his eyes. One eye was hazel, with gold flecks. He raised his arm to wave at me, I smiled, giving him a small wave. He swims towards the edge, the edge that was facing my direction. Quickly climbing out of the pool to come up to me.
    I had to look up at him, he was at least a foot taller than me. All those years of playing football was worth it. I couldn't help but stare at his abs, the droplets of water dripping, my eyes trailing even lower to his V line. I gulped, I just hope he doesn't notice how nervous I was.
     "Hi." I said, quickly glancing back up at him.
      "Hi." Hi? That's all we say to each other now?
      "You look different." Different, that didn't sound good.
       "You too." I said, pointing at him.
       I could feel my smile slipping, my mouth hurting with how much I'm forcing myself to look happy to see him. I was happy, but I was also nervous as shit.
       "Where's your dad at?" He asked, looking over my head.
        I couldn't help but be angry at him, but I played along.
       "Inside talking to mom." He opens his mouth as he says, "ah". 
       "Yep." I said, popping the 'p'.
        I clasped my hands in front of me, rocking back and forth on my heels to my toes.
        "So, how have you been?" I asked, trying to ease whatever tension is here.
          "The usual, school, work, homework." I nodded my head.
          "Cool, cool." I scratched the back of my neck, resting my hand there for a minute or two.
          "Why is this so weird between us?" I asked, sick of the awkward tension between us. 
          "We've talked all year, facetime, hangout by ourselves, we were like best friends. Then you dropped me." His face dropped, he looked nervous. Like he wanted to tell me the real reason why he stopped talking to me.
           "I-" before he could continue the glass sliding door of the house opened.
            "I hope you're all hungry!" My mother's high pitched voice echoes.
             "Starved." Will said, giving my mother a smile.
             "You've grown so much since the last time I've seen you!" My mother gushed, placing a hand on his cheek in a motherly way.
              I huffed, annoyed at the fact my mother interrupted us.

        "Did Elena tell you that she got accepted into New York University?" My eyes widened, quickly dropping my burger onto the plate.
         "Mom!" I exclaimed, my voice cracking slightly.
         "NYU? You never told me you applied there." Will said, turning his head to look at me.
          "I was going to." I lied, I was trying to keep it a secret.
          "That's great news!" Pat's voice was next, I could hear the excitement in his voice.
           "Thank you." I softly say, feeling slightly embarrassed.
            The sound of a chair scratched against the concrete and I noticed that it was Will. I squeezed my eyebrows together in confusion, he looked mad.
          "William?" Patrick called out to him.
           "I got this." I assured him, quickly getting up from my seat and sprinting towards the boy.
            He was heading towards the pool. It was far enough from the patio that our family couldn't hear our conversation. There were also a lot of plants around that blocked the view from the patio from the pool. My mother thought it was better than having a fence. My father decided to grow wild dog roses, said it was his favorite and mother agreed.
          When I caught up to him I saw that he was sitting by the edge of the pool. His knuckles turned white as I could see his jaw clenched tightly. 
           "What the hell was that all about?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning more on my left leg.
           Nothing, just silence.
           I walked closer, looking down at him as he continued to stare at the ripples.
           "I'm sorry." I apologize, not really knowing what I'm apologizing for.
          He scoffed, shaking his head,  "What are you sorry for?" I shrugged.
         "For everything." I said, sitting down next to him.
          "You did nothing wrong." He assured me, yet I feel like I did something.
          "Why did you storm off like that?" I asked, turning my head to look at him.
          "It's complicated." I groaned, tilting my head back in annoyance.
          "You're so confusing!" I exclaimed, raising my hands to my head as if it were about to explode.
           "I'm so sick of this! What are we William?" I didn't care if my parents could hear me shouting, I just hate this little game between us.
           I continue to stare at him, waiting for him to say something. His mouth opens, then it closes. He clenched his jaw, his Adam's apple going up and down when he swallowed.
          He runs a hand through his light brown hair. I was ready to get up, before I could he wraps a hand around my wrist. I looked back at him, his other hand going to my neck. I gasped, is he really about to kiss me? His eyes glanced into my eyes, then to my lips. I liked my lips nervously, wishing that I had applied more chapstick.
        His forehead rests against mine. I could smell the beer that he had not that long ago, along with the chlorine from the pool. His nose rubs against mine, our lips only centimeters away. My breathing was unsteady, I've never kissed anyone before, and he was going to be the first boy I've ever kissed.  I didn't move, my hand rested in my lap, not knowing if I could wrap my hand around his neck or his cheek. I can't believe he's gonna kiss me! My head was spinning, I was feeling all sorts of emotions, then his lips were on mine. His lips were soft, yet chapped at the same time. He opens his mouth, I copied his movements. I rested my hand against his neck to keep me from falling forward. My stomach was flipping all over the place, I could hear my heart beating in my ears. Our lips moving in dink, the kiss was growing more heated, filled with passion. Our tongues dance with one another. Never would I have thought he felt the same way. Yet I knew that this was just a once in a lifetime, that this moment won't happen again. I squeezed my eyes tighter, hating how I'm ruining the moment.
   I had to pull away, I couldn't breathe. His hand was resting on my collar bone just above my breast next to my heart.
     "Wow." We both laughed, I nuzzled my forehead against his as I closed my eyes.
       Then everything changed after that.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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