7: Anakin's troubles

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Every time I write Rex's name, it autocorrects to Dex.

Lol Idk why.


He rubbed at his face, letting out a short groan.

What was she hiding?

He raised his gaze to the ceiling, and walked into the cafeteria. Fives glanced at him, a smirk on his face.

"Where've you been disappearing to?" Fives asked, rushing to Rex's side. "You've been going off somewhere lately and haven't told us where."

"Mind your own business, Fives," Rex ordered, grabbing a tray of food. 

Fives grinned. "It's a lady friend then, isn't it?"

"What? No!" Rex gave Fives a dirty look.

"Ah, my mistake. A male friend," Fives shrugged. "What's his name? Maker, are you having an affair with General Skywalker?"

Rex blanched. "No! I am not having an affair with General Skywalker!"

"Then who is it?" Fives asked. 

"There's no one!" Rex snapped as he put his tray down.  "Stop asking!"

"Oh that's just sad," Fives frowned. "Am I your only friend?"

"CT-55555!" Rex broke out the big guns, using Fives' CT number. "Stop this!"

"Not until you tell me what's going on!" Fives leaned on one palm, staring at him. "Tell meee!"

"Fives," Rex sharply said. "That's enough."

"You're really not going to tell me?" Fives scowled, the tattoo on his forehead scrunching.

"I'm really not," Rex confirmed.

"Rex!" Anakin shouted as he ran in. "I need to talk to you!"

Rex turned around. "General? What is it?"

"When you told Padmé I was here, did she seem off to you?" Anakin questioned.

"No," Rex answered, lying through his teeth. "Why do you ask?"

"She was acting strange," Anakin told him. "Do you think it's because we haven't seen each other for a while?"

"Hi," Fives waved, reminding them he was there. "Why are we talking about Senator Amidala?"

"Oh, hi Fives," Anakin awkwardly said. "No reason."

"Why don't you go check out the new blasters we got?" Rex suggested.

Fives eyed them suspiciously before running off.

"Senator Amidala was acting fine when I visited her," Rex seriously said. "But maybe you're right."

Anakin hummed. "Yeah, maybe I should spend more time with her."


"That's not what I meant!" Rex blurted out, before taking a breath. "I meant... maybe because it had been a while, it just felt awkward."

"Perhaps you're right," Anakin slowly nodded. "Yeah... that's probably what it is."

"Glad I could help," Rex said and faced his meal again.

"But..." Anakin trailed off.

"But what?" Rex sighed, just wanting to eat.

"Well," Anakin hesitated. "I'm not sure if I can tell you."

"Then don't," Rex dryly said.

Anakin chuckled. "You always crack me up. Fine, I'll tell you."

Rex put his utensil down, ready to hear whatever bombshell his general would drop on him now. Anakin looked around before speaking.

"Even the last time we spoke, she was acting nervous. She said she had to figure some stuff out before we saw each other again," Anakin confessed. "But she didn't say what it was last night."

"If she didn't tell you, it probably wasn't important," Rex breezily said. "I wouldn't worry about it."

"Thanks, Rex," Anakin clapped him on the back, "for always being here when I need you."

Rex nodded. "Anytime."

Anakin hurried off, and Rex continued thinking about what Ranov'la was hiding.

He chuckled to himself.

He really did pick a good name for her.

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