chapter 3

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Tara POV
I began to wake up as i felt something shift in my arms, more like someone. I lifted my head and saw I was holding amber, but i didn't want to wake her so i just fell back to sleep.
Amber shifted again but this time she sat up and I started to wake up as well. i leaned over and checked the time, it was around 9:30.
No one's POV
"morninggg" said a tired amber while she stretched and rubbed her eyes.

"good morning" responded tara as she smiled

"shit why's her morning voice lowkey hot.." thought tara as she just watched her best friend

"why are you you staring at me like that" asked amber as she let out a small chuckle.

"like what?" responded tara

Amber just laughed and said "nevermind"

The two best friends got up, made the bed and headed downstairs after getting dressed and brushing their teeth.

"Hey i think i might throw a party at my place later, it's been a while since my last and chad has been practically begging me to throw one. He says "they aren't the same as yourssss" - in a mocking voice - "which i agree, but a party is a party." said amber with slight annoyance at the end of her sentence.

"Wait yea that would be cool. you haven't had a party since like last month, i'm pretty sure everyone in woodsboro misses your parties. No one does it like amber freeman." said tara as she was giggling at the end of her response.

Amber didn't say anything but responded with a laugh and a wide smile. Tara loved that they could just sit in comfortable silence, she loved how they were never awkward. They could go from having a normal just regular conversation, to switching to something really personal in the matter of minutes. She loved the way they could share whatever was on their minds whenever, it didn't matter what or where but they always made sure each other felt comfortable.
"Hey i think i'm gonna go to the store real fast and get some more alcohol, i haven't gotten anymore since my last party. Wanna come with?" asked amber.

"Oh that's cool, i was just gonna go home real quick to change and get ready but i'll be back in like an hour or two if you need help setting up."
tara responded. she was honestly hoping so much that amber would say she needed her help, they spent so much time together but she never really got enough of it. She would be with her all day everyday if she had the option.

"Yea that sounds good, i'll see you later then?" amber said with a smile

"yup, sounds great." tara said as she walked over and gave amber a kiss on the cheek as a way of saying goodbye.

A slight blush creeped up on the pale girls face, but she quickly wiped it off before tara would notice. Or so she thought, tara definitely noticed.

Amber came back from the store around one and a half hours later with everything she'd need. she got beer, vodka, tequila, all that stuff. She also got some weed from a friend of hers, but that was strictly for the friend group. Toward the end of the party as it started to die down and amber didn't have to constantly make rounds of her house to keep everyone in check the group would go down to the Freeman girls basement and just chill out and smoke weed. They'd play games, drink, and talk just by themselves.

Amber called Tara to let her know she was home and that she could come back whenever she wanted but it went to voicemail after a couple rings.

tamber!! <333Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz