Chapter 6: No one does.

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Parker was already out of bed by the time I woke up. I bet he is in the gym. After I put on some clothes, do my make-up and hair, I make my way downstairs. 

The shower turns on once I am having breakfast and learning my lines. Today we will shoot different scenes.

He finally walks down the stairs. 

'Good morning wifey. I see you made me some breakfast.' He says beaming as he walks over to the kitchen counter. 

'You woke up before me, you should've made breakfast for me.' I tell him as he leans onto the counter and looks at me. 

He is wearing a black denim jacket with black jeans and a white t-shirt beneath it with his matching white sneakers. His hair is not done, he has a black cap in his hands to probably hide it. He looks casual.

He grabs my iced coffee and takes a sip. 

'Ahhh.. How refreshing.' He states as I look shocked. Did he just drink out of my drink? 

'Ugh... You can have it. I don't want it anymore.' I shake my head and start reading again. Ignoring is the best way to get a man child to leave you alone, I hope. 

'Baby, don't be like that.' He pouts. 'Husband and wife share everything.' 

He shows me his ring on his ring finger and it looks like he is flipping me off. 

'Did you just flip me off?' I ask annoyed. 

'I like that, this gesture will mean I am flipping you off in a married way from now on....' He chuckles. 

'Ugh... man child. I share by not taking back my coffee, because your filthy mouth has been on it.' I mutter annoyed and show him my ring so I can flip him off evenly. 

'Smile for the camera...' He says jokingly and points up to a camera in the living room which is visible from the kitchen.  

I grit my teeth. The director is keeping an eye on us. 

'Well honey, I would offer you a lift but I bet you won't take it. I am so hurt that my own wife doesn't want me to bring her to work.' He lays a hand on his heart and acts offended. 

I am thinking about what to do. I need to behave and be kind to this man child. He is charming and can look like he is trying his best, while all he is is sarcastic. I need to beat him at his own game. 

'That would be amazing, hubby.' I tell him sweetly. 

'I love that you call me hubby.' He says almost disgusted. 

I am about to clean my plate when he grabs it from me. 

'I will do that for you, honey. Get ready for work.' He smiles to me. 

Ughhh.. this man. 

I grab my bag and make sure my wallet is in there as I found it on the floor next to where I put my purse yesterday and put on my coat. I think Parker had nothing to do with it, but I am not gonna apologize to him. If he thought about taking my wallet, he would've done it. 

Once Parker is done, he puts on his cap and walks after me to the door. The cap looks good on him. His hair is disheveled and still wet but it works with the cap on. 

He opens his car and we both get in. 

'You are horrible when you act so sickly sweet.' I state as I put on my safetybelt. 

'I bet you love it. I'm a dream to be with.' He says simply as he brings his car to life and starts to drive. 

I am looking out the window as his music plays. It's jazz. I look at the screen, it's a song called slow dancing. It's nice. Does he like jazz?

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