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"WHAT THE HELL SONIC!?, Why'd you break the mirror!?."

"I felt as if I wanted to punch it."

"Just because you're angry doesn't mean you can punch a mirror to pieces."

"Well I don't care."

"What happened to you at the party huh? I'm not letting you go until you tell me or you'll have to face my hammer."

"Fine. I'll tell you. You know Sally right? Well it's been only one month of our relationship. Today she wanted to take it to the next step. I couldn't handle it. I just ran away and told her I was breaking up."

"I admit that is crazy but you shouldn't have run away like that.You should have reasoned it out with her."

"Look,i don't understand a girls brain ok?"

"Whatever. Anyways I'm going to sleep.There are two beds in two separate rooms with bathrooms ok?"

Sonic just grunts in reply. Amy goes to her room and shuts the door.

All of a sudden, Sonic's phone rings. Who the hell is it?, thought Sonic as he took the phone and the caller was Tails.Sonic picked up the phone.

"Hello Tails, whats up?"

"Um Sonic, did you check YouTube? 'cause there's an interesting video there."

"What do you mean Tails?"

"Don't you dare pretend Sonic. You broke up with Sally, didn't you? The video started with Sally insulting a guy just because she tripped over him and then it showed you breaking up with her. I have to admit, what you did was overkill mate."

Sonic just glares at the phone and cuts the call. Hmph, he doesn't even know what happened before that.He then lay flat on the sofa for some time. The clock stikes 11o'clock.

Suddenly his ears perk up, he could hear someone...whistling? No, maybe screaming-

The scream ascended even higher and it was coming from Amy's room.


Sorry guys the story being so short, 😔 it's because my exams are going on and I can't afford any time for the story.So the chapters might be short or long according to the time I have.

Anyways, see you in the next chapter!

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