Chapter 12: I put a ring on it.

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As I am ready for the night, I am in the car on my way to the event. I stroke my satin red dress so that it doesn't wrinkle, while I hold my purse in my hand. 

The ride is short as it is close by my house. As I get out I am led onto the red carpet and take some pictures. Lee texted me that they are already inside. As I am about to go in, I spot In-Ah waiting for the red carpet as she waves at me. I quickly run over to her in tiny steps as I wear heels and greet her. 

'In-Ah, how nice to see you. You look amazing!' I tell her excited to see her. 'Are you alone?' 

'Hey Jennie. No Min-Kyu is coming, but he is late and told me to go inside already.' She smiles at me as she gives me a hug. 

'Are you two a thing?' I ask her with a smile. 

She laughs. 

'No, just friends.' She tells me. 

'I already went for pictures, I will wait for you. Don't want to steal your spotlight.' I say. 

'I don't like my pictures being taken, it makes me nervous, so you would actually help me out if you went with me.' She says with an embarrassed look on her face. 

'Same here.' I tell her as I show her my nervously shaking hand. 

She walks first and I stand next to her as we do some poses and some hearts together. After people scream our names and the flashes go off, we walk to the entrance. 

'Thank you, Jennie. It really means a lot to me. You probably think it's embarrassing for an actress to have stage fright when it comes to red carpets and taking pictures. The being blinded by flashes and the name screaming at the same time scare me the most.' She admits as we walk into the venue. 

'I know how you are feeling. I am nervous too everytime I need to walk the red carpet and have to get pictures taken. You feel it in the bottom of your stomach and it makes you shudder.' I assure her. 

'Exactly...' She nods. 

There are lots of people inside already. A few greet me as I walk past. 

In-Ah waves to someone and that man comes over to talk to her. 

'I will see you later?' I ask In-Ah as she nods. 

I spot Parker and Lee at the bar as Parker is looking amazing in his black suit along with his black blouse without a tie. He is wearing leather boots underneath. He looks annoyed, angry even? 

Lee is walking over to me as I see Jisoo approach Parker while he is casually leaning against the bar with a glass in his hand blowing off some steam. 

'Jennie, you look amazing!' Lee tells me as he hugs me. 

'Is Parker okay?' I ask him worried as I keep looking at him as Lee lets go of me. 

'Yeah, kind of..... Someone he hates with a passion just approached him.' He informs me as he looks at me. 

'Oh, okay...' I say confused. Is it Jisoo? 

She is talking to him but he isn't smiling. Does he not want her to be around him? I thought they always went home together after parties like this. At least that's what the tabloids say. It wouldn't be the first time they would get spotted together leaving. 

'How are you?' He asks me as a waiter walks by with glasses of champagne. 

We both take one glass and thank the waiter. 

'I am fine. You?' I ask him. 

'I am okay.' He sighs. 

'I feel like you are not okay. Wanna talk about it?' I ask him. 

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