A forgotten story

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25 years before the invasion of Eredor...

The cold settled in the environment of the great mountains and the great red dragon took refuge from it in his cave trying to sleep peacefully. They went to see that they had brought him several years ago that he had been there and the villagers below the hill always brought him offerings so that he would leave them in peace.

Until he heard the sound of chains.

Had they brought him prey this time?

That would be quite new.

With an uncommon curiosity running through him, the bloody terror rose and headed for the entrance. His great claws rang in the cave and a smell of rain-choked fear reached his nostrils; Definitely this dam would be interesting.

With a practiced gesture he opened his "doors" and leaned out to see the offerings.

What a surprise I got.

There, trembling from the rain and fear, was a scrawny boy with hair color (C/P) skin (C/P) looking at him with big eyes of different colors, one blue and the other (C/O) murmured something in His tongue

"Please don't eat me"

Smaug almost snorted with laughter but stopped as he looked deep into the boy's eyes there was something in them that just...

He could not

He didn't know where this sudden impulse of empathy came from. For the love of the gods! He was Smaug the terrible, terror of the dwarves!

But here he was, having an internal conflict over a human cub.

And before he could stop himself one side of his mind won.

"Calm down little one. I'm not going to eat you."

What happened to him?!

Finally the boy seemed to get the courage to speak to him and stuttered.

"But n-aren't you supposed to be the big bad red dragon?"

Smaug sighed indignantly which made the boy shudder.

Oh yes, terrified human child.

"I'm surprised that humans think that of me!" He exclaimed in an indignant tone- "I'm a magnificent scarlet color and bad? that definition is small!"

The boy laughed at his play, probably due to the disbelief of the situation. He usually would have incinerated in moments if anyone laughed at him but instead he found himself enjoying the boy's laughter.

Certainly this boy was doing some kind of witchcraft to him.




But he better keep doing it

A tender sneeze came from the human cub and Smaug again realized the situation where his draconic enhanced senses were telling him that the human child had a cold and if he didn't get a source of heat soon he would be dead and hypothermic. .

His brain hesitated but his heart fluttered.

"Come child I will bring you with me"

Without a chance to object, Smaug bit the pup from his already torn shirt and led him inside.

NOBODY IS INOCCENT (Smaug x Child reader Story)Where stories live. Discover now