The Beginning

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Rikuto was a former demon hunter who wandered through the picturesque nooks of the Japanese mountains and forests.

 One of his constant companions was an angel named Michi, who served as his faithful companion and friend. After long days of hunting, Michi was always waiting with a prepared meal and a hot bath. 

 The area where Rikuto lived was like a light jungle, with tiny rivers, steep peaks, and rocky paths. The houses resembled those in Italian vineyards, which gave the area a charm. 

 At some point, Rikuto became part of an unusual phenomenon. He transformed into the form of an elderly woman, an energetic old woman who had incredible vitality for her 73 years. 

She always admonished everyone that she wasn't old.One day, Rikuto met a family who came to the area for vacation. 

They were parents and children, as well as another grandmother. Rikuto, now in grandmother form, accompanied them on their walks and talks. 

He even managed to convince the other grandmother to go on a trip together. 

 Before we tell you what happened next, let's take a look at how this extraordinary transformation came about. 

After leaving Michi's cave, which was hidden among thick vegetation and ivy, Rikuto found himself in the lower parts of the area. 

To get back to the top, he had to find a route, but it seemed lost. He was walking east along a tiny stream when suddenly a crocodile, or some other type of alligator, appeared and approached him. 

Rikuto quickly scaled the rocks on the wall, which required strength and agility. 

Once he reached the top, he looked down and saw all three of these beasts. 

A bit irritated, he showed them a gesture that unfortunately contained a few obscene words, and then set off along the visible stone path. There he met the family I have already described. 

 Now, back to the memory of the walk with the other grandmother, Rikuto, still in his grandmother form, eagerly wanted to show her Michi's cave and the magic that surrounded the area. 

While searching for the entrance to the cave, he met his "nemesis", an old grandmother named Gertrude. 

She was a mean old woman who seemed to be a bit jealous of the other grandmother and decided to make fun of her and Rikuto himself. 

However, they ignored her and kept running.During their journey, they came across three children who seemed to know Michi. 

They rode roller skates and scooters, looking at them with distrust and exchanging glances. 

Rikuto told them to get out of the way because it was an adventure for grandmas. 

From there they headed towards the forest and finally found the entrance to Michi's hideout at an old cottage in the mountains. 

 The story gained a new context, revealing Rikuto as a demon hunter in Japan who mysteriously transformed into an old woman with extraordinary energy. 

In the meantime, he met new friends and overcame his own challenges to lead them on an extraordinary adventure in the magical countryside of Japan.

DemonSlayer RikutoOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora