The End

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In the mountains of Japan, Rikuto continued his search with a rolling dog hammer. 

The story of this atrocity caught the attention of a police detective, who approached the old lady to see if she knew anything about it. 

Rikuto, still in his grandmother form, told the detective about his suspicion about Gertrude, an old woman from a nearby boarding house. 

The detective expressed his gratitude and moved on, and Rikuto and his companion decided to return to Michi's cave to find out more.Rikuto and the other grandmother, still concerned about the mysterious events, began to consider what to do next. 

They decided to investigate the matter further. While talking to their new friends, they learned that Gertrude had a habit of going out at night, which seemed suspicious.Night after night, Rikuto and the other grandmother watched Gertrude from hiding.

They noticed that she was leaving the house at night, carrying something in a bag. 

They followed her into the deep forest, where she disappeared among the trees. They asked themselves what she could be doing there in the middle of the night.They decided to get closer and find out the truth. 

They quietly crept towards her and saw Gertrude hiding something in the bushes. When they got close enough to see what was happening, they were shocked.Gertrude took a hammer from under her robe and let out a terrible, demonic laugh. 

As her eyes glowed, her true identity was revealed in her hands - she was a demon who attacked dogs in the area.Rikuto and the other grandmother froze in fear. Gertrude, in her demonic madness, began to advance towards them. 

Suddenly, the moonlight came, and Michi appeared in the sky, armed with a glow of magical power. 

The demon Gertrude screamed and disappeared into the clouds.Michi descended from the sky and revealed his true form. It was him who hid in the body of an elderly woman to help Rikuto solve the case. 

Together with Rikuto, they returned to the village and told the villagers about Gertrude's true face.It turned out that the demon Gertrude was defeated and the local residents could finally feel safe with their dogs. 

The story has become a legend in the area, but no one has forgotten how Rikuto and the other grandmother faced the demonic mystery.Rikuto chose to remain in his grandmother form, continuing to help the residents and cultivate friendships. 

The story of a demon hunter turned sprightly old woman has circulated throughout the region as a tale of courage and the mystery that can always lurk in the least expected places.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 14, 2023 ⏰

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