11. Alayna

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Taylor hugs me goodbye and whispers in my ear "Have fun tonight, don't do anything I wouldn't do. Call me in the morning." She winks at me and walks away and heads for the parking lot.

I stand there until Gunner nudges me. "Come on, let's go get in the tent, party is winding down." We walk toward the tent and I look around for my brother. I haven't really seen much of him tonight, which is surprising. Gunner gets into a cooler and gets a bottle of water out then hands it to me. "Here, you need to drink this." He says as his unzips the tent. "Where is Travis?" I ask him as I enter the tent behind him. He turns on some kind of light that they have set up at the top of the tent. He faces me and has a small smile on his lips "I don't think you want to know where he is." . Eww. I must make a face because he laughs and says "He had a good game tonight and some chick named Sarah wanted to congratulate him. He is in her tent."

My eyes flick up to his as I realize what he is saying. " So, it just you and me in our tent tonight?" I ask hoping that I don't sound as breathless as I feel. Still locked on my eyes, he nods and says " Looks that way." He clears his throat and grabs the blankets and pillows they had stored in the corner. He lays the pillows down and hands me a blanket. "You can take whichever side you want, I doubt Trav will come back in here tonight but if he does he can sleep in the middle." I nod and go to take my shoe off while standing. I lose my footing, combination of being a little tipsy and being a klutz in general. I start to fall over and I brace myself for the impact of the ground, only it doesn't come. Instead Gunners big arms are wrapped around me, holding me up. My heart pounds, Im not sure if it's from almost falling or from the feel of the man holding me.

"That's the second time you've almost fallen over tonight Laynie. The first time, I wanted to rip that guy's head off for touching you." He whispers in my ear.

I step back out of his hold. My eyes glare are him. I can tell by the look on his face that he wasn't expecting that to piss me off. "You have no right to be jealous Gunner. You had Kristi all over you most of the night but when Cory kisses me, you come stomping over like you have a say in who I kiss or don't kiss. You might as well have just peed on me to mark your territory. It's not fair Gunner, you don't want me, but you don't want anyone else to have me either. What am I supposed to do with that? I'm supposed to sit there and watch you with other girls and it not bother me?..." I had more to say but he grabbed me and kissed me before I could finish. I wanted to push him away to prove a point but my mind couldn't get my body to listen. He kisses me so hard and he wraps his arms around me and grabs my ass and pushes my center again his massively hard erection. I groan, embarrassingly but somehow I don't care. He breaks the kiss and says, " Does that feel like someone who doesn't want you Alayna. I want you, more than you know."

Shouldn't Want You (A Brothers Best Friend Romance) Alayna & Gunner #1Where stories live. Discover now