Chapter 8. Weak

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•───•⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇•───•

"So he pushed you away?" Felix's voice is calm, quiet, warm even as Han sits on his floor with his hoodie bundled up against his chest. Han had finally stopped crying, head leaned into his hoodie like a pillow of comfort as he looked away from his friend, eyes red and burdened with loss.

"He told me that we're done." Han's voice was nearly hard to hear, moreso in the context that it made Felix's heart hurt for him. Felix was naturally empathetic towards all of his friends, but something about his tone towards Han felt comforting, making it that much easier to talk about what had happened just two hours ago.

"That sounds like Minho." Felix sighs, leaning back into his desk chair, staring up at the ceiling. "He always retreats in fear. I don't want to get your hopes up, but he's always like this. He tends to push everyone away and act like a cold asshole, but he warms back up."

"You didn't see the look on his face, Lix." Han swallows, head turning slightly to look at his friend who was still looking towards the ceiling. "It was like I broke him all over again. Like I ruined him."

"Ji," Felix sighs as his head cranes back down to look at his distraught friend, standing from his chair and settling on the floor in front of him. Han raises his gaze slowly towards his friend again after briefly looking away, watching Felix's eyes fill with sympathy. "You didn't ruin him."

"It feels like it, and all I did was try to keep two people I love the most in my life. I shouldn't have lied to either of you, I know that. I just couldn't figure out how to balance either party's wishes."

"I don't really care that you kept it from me." Felix lays his hand on Han's own, warming his cold skin slowly. Han looks at their hands, heart wishing for the one he loved the most. "In fact, I was really startled. Hyun and I kind of had this idea that something was going on, so when we left the pool, we meant to come back with squirt guns to spray the both of you, but the moment was more intimate than I thought it would be."

"So you really had no idea?"

"No. No one did, or does, rather. Point is, I was never mad. I was so surprised to see you guys basically making out in that pool and I only expected you guys to be flirting or something. I really didn't know Minho was into you like that."

"Well, I feel like I've lied to everyone at this point. We've already lied about kissing during spin the bottle."

"No one is going to be upset with you. Half of them probably don't remember because they were so wasted."

Han shrugs, unconvinced and skeptical.

"Ji. Listen to me." Felix squeezes Han's hand gently. "You're allowed to like who you want to, and so is Minho. I know both of you have had issues with relationships recently and that's probably what's been keeping you apart-"

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