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The fire engine arrives at the station, and everyone files out and to their respective rooms after they shower. After Montag showers, he heads home to try and forget about his odd encounter with Beatty.

Montag arrives home, and to no surprise, Mildred, his wife, is sitting in the parlor watching "White Clown." Montag sighs and goes to change into grey sweat pants and a black shirt.
"Millie? I'm home." Montag yells through the house. He doubts Mildred will hear him through her seashell, though.
"Whatever." He mumbles as he walks to the kitchen to grab a drink. He's calmly sitting in the kitchen until his phone rings and the name, "Cap. Beatty" lights up his screen. Montag grabs his phone and answers the call.
"Hello?" Montag talks into the phones mic,
"Montag, come to the station." Is all Beatty says before he hangs up, and Montag stares down at his phone, confused, but obeys what Beatty told him. He slides on a pair of sneakers and makes his way to the station.

Beatty hears the hound go off, signaling that Montag has arrived. He quickly goes to greet him.
"Montag. We need to talk..now."
Beatty says sternly as he pulls Montag into his office,
"What about?" Montag asks innocently.
"You know what this is about, about the..events that happened." Beatty mutters out as he turns red and leans on his desk.

Montag sits in the chair across from Beatty.
"Okay, let's talk then.." He says and looks at Beatty.
"I don't think what happened was an accident, Ray." Montag states."im not saying i didn't like it, but I don't think you just fell like that."
Captain Beatty looks to the side,then takes a breath.
"It wasn't an accident, Montag."
He admits
"I tackled you when the hound went off, I didn't have any intentions of letting my feelings towards you be known, but I saw my chance, and I took it."
Beatty explains. Montag just looks at him and then rubs his temples, "What are we going to do? We're both married, but it's clear how we feel." Montag says, Beatty pushes himself from the desk and walks to Montag and lifts his chin. "We'll figure it out,together.." Beatty says and then lightly kisses Montag.

Montag goes back home to his dreadful wife.
"Millie, I'm back," Montag yells as he slips his shoes off. He doesn't hear his wife respond. "Millie?" He calls again then walks into their shared bedroom. In the dark, he kicks something and hears it rattle. He flips on the light to see a pill bottle under his foot.
"Millie." He says as he walks to the bed to find her laying down, asleep as always with her seashell in her ear.
Montag rolls his eyes and then lays down next to her.

The next morning, the sunshine through the window and hits Montags eyes as they flutter open. He looks to his right, and Mildred is gone. He sighs and swings his legs over the sides of the bed and stands up.
"Do I have work?" He asks himself outloud then looks at his phone, "yea I do."
He says and walks to his closet to get his work clothes and changes. Before he heads out the door of his lonely home, he locks the door behind him and walks to the firehouse.

Over the last few days, Mildred has been distant, coming home late, and ultimately just a bitch, Montag decides to follow her one day. Montag follows her to a small trailer on the outskirts of town near the military base, "What in earth..."
Montag whispers as he walks to the trailer he just watched Mildred walk into, he waits for a few hours until night fall, and he sees Mildred walk out with a tall man, he has a lean build and they kiss
"She's cheating.."
Montag says shocked, but he doesn't seem to feel anything,he's not sad,mad, nor does he really even care.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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