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" Jiwoon hyung where are you taking me?", Matthew whined when he was being dragged out from their shared apartment.

Yes, you heard that right, they've been going out for a year already and everything changed for the better.

Today was supposed to be their anniversary and both Jiwoong and Matthew had different plans, Jiwoong planned for a whole month beforehand with the rest of Matthew's friends to give him the best party ever.

While motioning to his cousin and younger brother to get everything in order, he uncovered Matthew's eyes and whispered, "Happy one-year anniversary Matthew-ssi" to which Matthew smiling from ear to ear replied, "So sweet of you to wake me up early in the morning after i finished my work till late midnight just so i can appreciate the effort of you cherishing our special day"

well that was really not what they expected to hear, after a minute of awkward silence Matthew chuckled and said, " I'm just kidding, come here"

He hugged Jiwoong placed a small kiss beside his lips and turned towards Mun-jae and Taerae, " are you still going to be here?"

" no", they quickly scurried back to their dorms and left the couple alone.

" Shall we end what you started?", Jiwoong asked in a husky voice making Matthew unable to resist the older's lips. at first, it started as a sweet innocent kiss which later was accompanied by passion and longing.

"I was not kidding when I said you disrupted my sleep"

"I know, take a rest while I prepare the food"

looking at the retreated figure Matthew chuckled.

Zhanghao sighed as he checked a few more worksheets of his younger brother and then called him before he went hiding in the flat next door.

"yujin stop hanging out with that kid if you keep neglecting your grades!", He spoke out loud enough for the younger to hear the concern behind his stern voice.

"I don't hang out with Gyuvin anymore, didn't I tell you before... we broke up months ago", Yujin sneered at Zhanghao for reminding him of some buried memories.

" then where do you keep sneaking away when I'm at school huh?", questioned a very frustrated Zhanghao tired of his brother's responsibilities. with all the work going on in the school with him getting a permanent position, making him the youngest teacher in his school which guaranteed him a pretty solid career if he were to private tutor someone too.

"When are you going to move out?", yu jin asked cautiously knowing the obvious answer.

" soon", that one word defines the relationship left between once an inseparable couple.

" Taerae Hyung is inaugurating his institution tomorrow, wanna join me?"

" I have nothing better to do anyways"

It has been a year since Hanbin Hao spoke out their feelings with each other, days turned to weeks and weeks turned to months but the distance between them widened a lot like the sky and sea meeting at the horizon, too close yet too far.

If you intended to ask Hanbin a year ago about his partner, he would have replied that they are bound to be together and probably in a year they would be engaged but if you asked him now, he'd answer

" He just feels like an invisible roommate", Hanbin wailed in his drunken state with the most unexpected drinking buddy.

" You've told it a million times already", sighed jiwoong thinking it would be a long day ahead.

" shut up, you came because you felt guilty for me so now stay right by my side until I die from alcohol poisoning", the younger slurred and gulped down another shot.

" If it wasn't for Matthew and his forgiving ass I would've kicked you out of our house already, and now that you're here stop wailing and drink your shots"

" I miss his face smiling at me, I miss our banters, I miss our late night conversations planning for our future, I miss his smell, his tast-"

"- okay Romeo shut your trap right there, I can't handle you anymore Who should I call to pick you up"

" h.....a.....o",

" gosh this kid", Jiwoong cursed at himself for bringing up trouble but felt a bit sympathetic to the younger who was drowning himself in alcohol for the sins he committed way back in time.

he dialed Hao to which as promised Zhanghao took him back to their place,

" I just wish they won't be too surprised with tomorrow's special news", Matthew came to the living room after he finished his work and pecked Jiwoong's cheeks.

"I hope too"


so this is the official ending of the story NOTHING

the journey till now has not been that productive but I'm happy that at least more than 50 people read the stories written by me and for that I'm forever grateful for whoever supported this work. 

ps- after the epilogue if you guys feel like you need a sequel for Haobin story then feel free to mention it

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