The Hero of Truth and the Hero of Ideals

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"What am I fighting for?"

This is a question that has run through Blaiz's head nonstop ever since Team Plasma's castle rose from the ground. It's a question that she thinks should have an obvious answer, and yet no answer would settle into her mind perfectly. She wants to believe she's fighting the evil that's terrorized the Unova region, and yet the green haired boy in front of her gives Blaiz an entirely different feeling. Her reason tells her this man is an enemy, willingly fighting for ideals she can't agree with, but at the same time she can tell that the ideals of the boy in front of her and the ideals of the man watching them from the behind the boy differ immensely. 

So why is the boy fighting her for ideals even he doesn't believe in? Can't he see that the man he calls his father is just using him? Blaiz's mind trails off, not able to stop thinking about why she's fighting in the first place, but a voice coming from in front of her grounds her mind back in reality.

"Where's the Light Stone?"

The boy asks a simple question that finally reminds Blaiz that this man is her enemy. Regardless of his own ideals, the boy needs to be stopped before he can make the ideal of the man behind him a reality. Blaiz, finally regaining her almost unsettlingly calm composure, takes the Light Stone from out of her bag and places it on the floor. With Blaiz's recognition of the truth of her situation, the dragon hidden inside answers her call to fight. The room flashes white, and when everyone finally regains their vision they become able to see the massive white dragon Pokemon standing in direct opposition to the enormous black dragon Pokemon standing beside the green haired boy.

The dragon of truth, Reshiram, has finally awoken from the orb, ready to fight it's ancient opponent, Zekrom, the dragon of ideals.

Blaiz watches as the towering white dragon lets out a fiery roar, as the gigantic black dragon answers with a thunderous roar. Zekrom, now given permission to leave the boy's side, jumps forward to be only about 7 feet away from Reshiram. Both dragons await orders from their masters so they can begin their fight, but neither side gives a command. The boy seems to be listening intently to something, despite no person saying anything, but Blaiz is just standing there, using her unnerving composure to hid her nervousness.


A deep, booming voice rings out in Blaiz's ears. She looks around, but neither the boy nor the man behind him had said anything. The boy still seems to be listening to something, though Blaiz notices a slight amount of worry on his face after the voice rang out. 

"Hero of Truth. I request that you change your form."

The voice speaks again, catching the attention of both Blaiz and the boy across from her. The boy has a confused, almost shocked look on his face, but Blaiz still remains outwardly calm. Deep inside though, her mind is racing. How does the voice know about that? Why was she referred to as the "Hero of Truth"? Was the voice even referring to her at all? These questions race through her mind at lightning speed, and her reason isn't enough to help her understand-

"Blaiz. Why do you falter? I have awoken because your conviction was strong, and you had finally grasped the truth of your situation. I am ready to strike your foe. I am waiting for the other you's command."

The identity of the voice and who the voice is referring to is unmistakable now. This voice belongs to Reshiram, and it wants to talk to Blaiz. Having learned of the voices identity, Blaiz suppresses all of her unnecessary thoughts and orders Reshiram.

"I understand. Reshiram, use Dragon Breath!"

"No. I request orders from your other self."

This surprises and confuses Blaiz, but the boy across from her is clearly shocked, not because the dragon was talking, but that Blaiz could understand it.

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