His Favourite View- Part 1

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He looks at her through the window blinds. At the black eyed beauty who's sitting at her desk.

Her eyes focused on the pages of her file- having an expression of sincerity in them. A frown forms on her forehead as she tries to focus harder. Now her ebony eyes display a hint of worry and confusion. They make her look even more adorable.

Dev smiles as he moves even closer to the window blinds. His gaze lingers on her, noticing every nuance.

A few strands of her silky black hair touch her cheek. A sudden urge to put them behind her ear with his fingers, takes over Dev.

"Dev! Ek baar yeh files check kar lo", exclaims Yogesh as he walks into the room with a pile of files in his hands.

Dev is forced to take his eyes off this view of beauty.
He turns around reluctantly.
But glances at the files with little interest.
His heart is elsewhere, longing to see his innocent and adorable employee.

"Yeh lo", he hastily hands over the last file to Yogesh as soon as he finishes checking it. And without wasting a second further, he begins to turn in the direction of his favourite view.

"Ek minute!" An irritated Dev stops immediately on hearing these words and rolls his eyes.
"Yeh waali file toh reh hi gayi...", Yogesh declares as he gives him yet another file.

Dev grabs it from his hand.
While hurriedly turning over its pages, his eyes happen to catch a glimpse of his wrist watch.

It's almost time for the employees to leave.

He has little time left to capture in his eyes, the sight of the girl who makes his heart skip a beat, everytime he sees her.

He must turn around to see her before she leaves the office.

Sure this view will be the same tomorrow.
Like it is everyday when she comes to the office.
It's nothing new.

But for some reason, it never feels old.
It feels special, every single time, instilling in him a sense of urgency.

His Favourite View Where stories live. Discover now