Chapter 1

66 0 1

Word count - 383
Blood moons POV

We're mindlessly wondering the alleys looking for a human to kill.

"Brother, I'm getting impatient! I want a bloody mess!" brother says to me.

"I am to brother," I say.

"Why isn't there any humans!" he complains.

I'm silent, there is no reason.

"Wait brother, I smell blood!" He says.

"I do to!" I say happily running towards the smell.

We round a few corners when we stop.

There's a human girl sitting on top on another dead human.
The girls ripping out the humans organs searching for something.

We notice a scythe sitting next to her.

The girl stops and slowly turns towards us.

"Brother what should we do," brother asks me.

"I do not know, do you think she's gonna attack us," I ask back.

"I don't know but if she does I'm fighting back," he says.

The girl turns back to the body and slowly rips the left arm off the body.
She then holds it out to us.

"Should we take it," I ask brother.

"Yes! I'm hungry for blood!" brother says.

We take the arm and take a bite out of it.

"Thank you," I say to the girl confused.

The girl doesn't say anything instead continues to look through the person's body.

"Brother, I don't think she's human," brother says to me.

The girl smiles as it seems she's found what she's been looking for.

The girl pulls out the humans heart and bites it like an apple.

"Should we go brother," I ask.

"I think so," brother says.

We quickly leave going to find another human for us to kill our selves.

"That way," we hear a girl say behind us.

"Huh," we say confused.

We turn around and see her standing at the end of the alley she was in pointing in the opposite direction.
She has blood in her hair, on her white dress, and dripping down her chin.

We change direction to the way she was pointing.

We quickly find a couple making out.

"I don't know if I should like or hate her," brother says.

"I don't know either," I say.

I hope you guys enjoyed chapter 1 and stick around for further chapters!

This chapter does take place before the blood moon twins meet KC.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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