Love That Consumes

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There always exist a fine thick line between lust and love.

Love is about someone who loves another for who they are, not what they are. Love is about liking someone's soul, liking their personality, liking the way they live their life. It's all about compassion and cares, and it was a beautiful thing.

And as for lust on the other hand... They are nothing but a sin that consumes you, rotting your heart from the inside. It's like eating salt when you're thirsty, hoping that it will quench your thirst when it was doing the opposite, and you'll never get satisfied until it is too late.

She knows that very well, for she have seen many examples of it, from other people, and... From herself.

And that is how she is able to tell the difference between love and lust the moment she sees it.

"Don't you heard what she said? You are not needed."

On one bright afternoon in Mondstadt forest, three people were seen standing amidst a clearing surrounded by trees. Two of them are girls, while the other one is a man. The two girls and the man are standing on the opposite end of each other, having an intense staring contest as the winds brushes against area, rustling the tree leaves and swaying their hair and clothes.

One girl has ash blonde hair that is tied into twintails, she has a white nun dress and a little hat on her head, a nurse purse hangs from one of her shoulders, as she has her hands wrapped around the other girl's arm. With the said girl being a young woman with short bright blonde hair in a pristine white dress, giving her a majestic and divine look, though unfortunately, the same couldn't be said to her face which are covered with rolls of bandages that specifically wrapped around her eyes, rendering her with no sight.

On the other hand, the single male in the commotion is a man with short light brown hair that wears a light green shirt with darker green pants. His eyes colored purple, and as of currently, they're glaring daggers towards one of the two girls, the one with a sealed eyesight specifically.

"Barbara-sama... How could you?"

The man that stood before them is Albert, the self proclaimed Deaconess Barbara's number one supporter, as well as apparently being the creator of Barbara's fanclub. Just the type of person that a certain blind Traveler is not a fan of.

Normally, Lumine is not the type of person who cares enough to put her nose on other people's business or personal matters, Fanboys or Fangirls were no exceptions either, it's good for someone to have someone they could idolize of, giving them at least someone that they could look up to. But of course, there will always be limits to everything, and idolizing someone has its limits as well.

And what Albert did, it is beyond that limits, and it sure is pissing Lumine off. Especially when it was Barbara who being his target.

At first, she didn't know about this ordeal at all. He was just an ordinary citizen of Mondstadt in her eyes that she shouldn't have paid much attention into, but things starts to change after one ordinary day when she received a specific commission that sees her climbing the steps towards the cathedral, where a very annoyed sister Victoria awaits her, enlisting her help in kicking out a very dodgy person, that has been lurking around the place trying to get himself inside without notice. And that's how she starts taking notice of him.

He's already looking and acting suspicious the first time they interact with each other. Trying to come up with multiple excuses to remain on the cathedral grounds even after she warns him, he even made her go sweeping the dead leaves littering the grounds as well, which she did in a matter of seconds, but even then, he's still hesitant to leave after promising to do so beforehand under that condition. It was only after she warned him again that he finally left, beginning her series of encounter with him.

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