Chapter 4 : Unspoken feelings

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Sitting with Noah in the comfort of our living room, I listened intently as he recounted his latest basketball tournament. Noah was not just my cousin; he was my closest friend, someone I had known since childhood. We shared not only blood but a bond that ran deeper, transcending mere family ties.

As he animatedly described the game-winning shot he had made, I couldn't help but be proud of his achievements. Noah's enthusiasm was infectious, and I couldn't have asked for a better confidant in my life.

Our conversation flowed effortlessly, shifting from basketball to our shared memories and dreams for the future. Noah was someone I could count on, and I was grateful for his unwavering support.

As the evening wore on, I realized it was time to head home. I bid Noah goodbye, promising to meet up again tomorrow. Stepping into a taxi, I decided to check in on Ella.

I sent her a text, my fingers dancing over the screen as I asked, "Are you back home?" Her response filled me with a warmth I couldn't deny. Ella was an enigma, someone who had entered my life unexpectedly, and I couldn't help but be intrigued by the connection we were forming.

In my message, I confessed to Ella that I had picked up Noah during our meeting, as his parents lived abroad. It was a glimpse into my world, an insight into my daily life that I was willing to share with her.

Once I reached home, I settled into my room, still texting Ella. Our conversations were a mix of lighthearted banter and meaningful exchanges, and as the night grew darker, I sent her a simple "Goodnight" message.

The following day, English class brought with it an unexpected twist. Our teacher assigned project partners, and I found myself eagerly awaiting my partner's name. I didn't mind doing all the work; in fact, I preferred it that way. I had always been meticulous about my assignments, and I didn't want anyone messing with my standards.

To my surprise, the teacher called out Ella's name as my project partner. I couldn't deny the pang of curiosity and excitement that coursed through me. Ella had a way of drawing me in, and I found myself looking forward to our collaboration.

After the teacher's instructions, Ella came over to my desk, and we began discussing our project. The conversation was more than just business; it was filled with laughter and shared insights. We were two distinct individuals, yet our perspectives seemed to complement each other perfectly.

As we delved into researching our topic, I noticed Ella growing quieter. I glanced over to see her, her face bathed in the soft glow of sunlight streaming through the classroom windows. The beauty of the moment left me in awe.

Sun rays danced across her features, and her eyelashes cast delicate shadows on her cheeks as she slept. The warmth of the sun was undoubtedly bothering her, and without thinking, I lifted my hand to create a makeshift shield, blocking the rays from her face.

It was a simple gesture, but in that moment, I couldn't help but admire the peaceful expression on her sleeping face. Ella was enchanting, and I found myself lost in the serenity of the moment.

 Ella was enchanting, and I found myself lost in the serenity of the moment

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Our tranquility was interrupted by a loud shout. Noah had arrived, and his enthusiasm knew no bounds. I gestured for him to lower his voice, but he was oblivious to my actions.

Leaving Ella to her slumber, I stepped outside to speak with Noah. It seemed that he had exciting news to share, but my mind was still focused on Ella's peaceful nap.

When I returned to the classroom, it was evident that Ella was still sleeping. It was late, and I knew she had a long day ahead. With a sense of reluctance, I left her to rest and headed to the bus stop, hoping to catch a glimpse of her there.

However, Ella was nowhere to be seen. Perhaps she had left earlier, I thought. As I waited for the next bus, I decided to text her: "Are you back home?"

Her response came quickly, assuring me that she was on her way. I suggested she call me once she reached home and had some free time.

Back at home, I took a shower . Ella's message popped up on my phone, and we resumed our conversation. As we talked, I couldn't help but feel a growing sense of connection, a bond that was developing with each passing day.

As the sun dipped below the horizon and the moonlight bathed the city, Ella and I continued our conversation. The subtle shift in our interactions hinted at a growing connection, and amidst the shared laughter and stories, our dialogue began to take on a subtly romantic tone.

Ella's message appeared on my screen, and I couldn't help but smile as I read it: "Liam, do you believe in destiny?"

I pondered her question for a moment before replying, "I think I'm starting to."

Her response was swift, and it tugged at my heartstrings: "Me too. It's funny how our paths crossed, isn't it?"

I couldn't agree more. "Funny, and maybe a little magical."

Our words danced between us, unspoken sentiments hidden in plain sight. Ella's next question stirred something within me: "Liam, what's your favorite star?"

I gazed up at the night sky, contemplating her question. "I like the North Star. It's a constant in the ever-changing sky."

Ella's message seemed to shimmer with a hint of playfulness: "So, if you had to make a wish on a star, what would it be?"

I hesitated for a moment, my fingers hovering over the keyboard. Then, with a sense of vulnerability, I replied, "I'd wish for more moments like these, where I get to talk to you."

Ella's response came in the form of an affectionate emoji: "Liam, you have a way with words."

As our conversation continued, the night deepened, and the connection between us grew stronger. We shared dreams, aspirations, and even fears, building a bridge of understanding that drew us closer.

The clock ticked on, and the early morning hours approached. Ella's message held a sense of reluctance: "Liam, I should get some sleep. It's late."

I couldn't help but agree: "You're right. We should rest. Goodnight, Ella."

Her response was sweet and sincere: "Goodnight, Liam. Dream of the stars."

I closed my eyes, feeling a sense of contentment wash over me. Ella had become a constellation in my world, a bright and shining presence that I couldn't help but be drawn to.

With thoughts of her in my heart, I drifted off to sleep, the promise of a new day and a growing connection filling my dreams.

The night was filled with laughter and shared stories, and as we said our goodnights, I couldn't deny the warmth that had settled in my heart. Ella was becoming a significant presence in my life, and though I was uncertain about my feelings, one thing was clear – I cherished the moments we shared.

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