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I couldn't help but feel the need to go back to their home. I got out of the tub and rinsed off my body. I put on my undergarment, protection oil, and an grey oversized sweatsuit. I put on a large crochet hat that matched it. I put on some sock and the Solomonic seal necklace I got at the shop.

I grabbed 5 dark purple two day candles and laid them out on my bedroom floor. I filled  up 5 clear glass bowls with water and placed the candles inside.

I made sure to draw the pentagram on the floor with chalk and then I placed salt around it to form a circle. I wanted to make sure that I was safe from any external forces trying to interfere with my astral traveling. I placed that candles on each end of the points on the star.

I drew a square with the salt and then  I lit four white two day candles placed each of them in a bowl of water.I put them on the four corners of the square. I added some herbs to the salt and oils to the candles. I made sure to Place  some crystals around this grid I was setting up for myself.

I added my thick yoga mat and a comfortable blanket. Everything was fire proof and  safe. I made sure to make a cup of mugwort, passionflower, and Skullcap tea. I took the time to sip on it and I decided to make 10 different small wards for their home. It took my about a good thirty minutes.

When I finished I covered them all with wax and wrapped clothes over it. I filled it with herbs that had to do with warding
, banishing unwanted entities, and heavy protection. I had this strange feeling that I would need them when I meet them in person.

I honestly don't even know if I would  get the opportunity to meet them

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I honestly don't even know if I would  get the opportunity to meet them. But I want to to be prepared for if I do. I might as well start thinking ahead. I know that Joseph is stuck in this egotistical mindset and he'll probably rather die than mate me. So I want to make sure their home is warded up and cloaked with strong magic.

That way the darkness cannot come near them and consume them. I'd have to make large wards that cloaks them. So that they aren't seen. I just know that the only way I can execute this plan is if I start now and give them to drink some cocktail that  makes them fall asleep during that whole process. Based of what I've seen in my dreams, it almost looks like a swarm of black robotic/metallic looking locusts that are trying to consume everything in its path.

I feel like the only reason why I was able to escape it is because I'm Joseph's mate. Maybe me showing up was a form of redemption for him. Maybe us mating and completely forming this bond with each other will actually set him free from this contract and allow him to continue his life peacefully and worry.

I warmed up and ate some food I made last night and brushed my teeth. I cannot lie I was still feeling the effects of the shrooms. I took it upon myself to drink some Lemon water before laying down. I got comfortable and recited a prayer. Then I started to chant. After about five minutes of chanting. I said my intentions to myself and entered a deep meditation. Breathing in for three and out for three. I continued this for the next couple of minutes. Allowing my body to relax into itself.

I feel weightless, as if I'm floating in an infinite sea of energy. My senses become heightened, and I can perceive the world around me in a way that transcends the physical realm. Colors are more vivid, and sounds are more melodic, resonating with a harmonious frequency. I pass through a tunnel, a swirling vortex of energy that pulls me further away from the material world. It's a journey into the unknown, filled with anticipation and wonder.

 It's a journey into the unknown, filled with anticipation and wonder

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And then, suddenly, everything goes black. "The only way to keep darkness away is by going to the ocean and warding with sea salt." Before I could even say a word I was transported back to the inside of that closet in the study. I didn't have much luck with it because I knocked over a pile of cassette tapes that were on the floor in there. Without hesitation Lucien got up from the leather chair. He put down the news paper and walked one to the closet. He opened it up and saw me. I looked him in the eyes and without hesitation he helped me out of the closet.

His eyes softened on me and he was instantly intrigued by what it is I was doing in there

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His eyes softened on me and he was instantly intrigued by what it is I was doing in there. " I know that you read his journal and that you know about the pact he made with darkness itself. I will not be letting him know that you know. So long as you can play it on the safe side. Just don't bring it up to him. Knowing him he will unintentionally hurt himself trying to hurt you.

We don't want that to happen at all. I roll my eyes and sigh. "Do you know how frustrating it is to see your mate have sexual relations with other women? Not only that, but to have them practically reject you without saying a word. I honestly think it's best for me to get the location of this places sooner or later so that I can do my job and get on with my life. I can tell where this is going and I know that he's gonna want me to prove my worth and I'm not doing that." I said feeling sick to my stomach. I clutched it and tried to swallow the lump in my throat.

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