Trip to Diagon Alley

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Hermione woke up early, her heart fluttering with excitement at the prospect of visiting Diagon Alley. She swiftly threw off her covers and made her way to the bathroom, her mind buzzing with thoughts of Hogwarts. She brushed her teeth vigorously, washed her face with cold water, and took a moment, to sit on the toilet, her thoughts drifting to the castle she adored so much. The anticipation of reuniting with her friends, learning new spells, and embarking on thrilling adventures filled her with joy.yuuAfter finishing in the bathroom, Hermione returned to her room, a smile playing on her lips. She approached her dresser, pondering over what to wear. Her fingers brushed against a new pink dress, and she decided it would be perfect for the day. She donned a pair of white lace panties and a black bra, then slipped into the dress. Glancing at her reflection in the mirror, she felt a surge of confidence. Despite the usual caution she exercised, today she felt an unprecedented boldness, ready to face the world with newfound assurance. She pulled on her favorite blue cloak and headed downstairs.In the kitchen, her parents were already bustling about, preparing for the day. "Good morning, Hermione," her mother greeted warmly, looking up from the stove. "Are you excited for your trip to Diagon Alley?""Yes, very much Mum," Hermione replied, a grin spreading across her face.After a hearty breakfast, the Grangers set off for Diagon Alley. Mr. Granger drove them to The Leaky Cauldron, and after a brief but affectionate farewell, Hermione stepped out of the car and into the enchanting world of magic. The sight of bustling shops with wizards and witches roaming about filled her with a sense of wonder and excitement.Hermione wandered down the cobbled street, her eyes wide with amazement at the myriad of magical items on display. She paused at various shop windows, admiring the intricate craftsmanship and even making a few purchases. As she explored, a familiar urge made itself known, and she realized she needed to find a bathroom.
Before she could nip inside the Leaky Cauldron for a wee however, Hermione spotted a familiar head of fiery red hair. With a delighted squeal, she dashed over and enveloped Ron Weasley in a warm hug."Hi, Ron!" she exclaimed, her voice bubbling with excitement."Oh, Hermione, hi!" Ron stammered, his face turning a shade redder than usual. "Err... this is my family! Mum, Dad—" He gestured to two older wizards, both smiling kindly at Hermione. "Ginny, my sister," A young witch grinned up at her. "And you already know Fred, George, and Percy."Mr. Weasley was tall and thin, his bright red hair beginning to thin at the top. He wore glasses and had green eyes, his build mirroring that of his sons, Ron and Percy. Mrs. Weasley, on the other hand, was a plump, middle-aged woman with long, frizzy red hair and warm brown eyes. Both parents beamed at Hermione, making her feel instantly welcome."Lovely to meet you all," Hermione said, her heart swelling with happiness. She knew, without a doubt, that this was going to be an unforgettable year at Hogwarts. 

As Hermione, Ron, and the Weasley family exchanged pleasantries, the bustling crowd of Diagon Alley seemed to part for a moment, revealing none other than Harry Potter emerging from the shadowy confines of Knockturn Alley. His appearance was a stark contrast to the bright, cheerful atmosphere of Diagon Alley, and Hermione's heart skipped a beat at the sight of him.

"Harry!" she called out, waving her hand to catch his attention.Harry looked up, his expression a mix of relief and embarrassment as he hurried over to them. His glasses were slightly askew, and his clothes were a bit dusty."Harry, what on earth were you doing in Knockturn Alley?" Ron asked, his eyes wide with concern."I... I missed the grate on the Floo Network," Harry admitted sheepishly. "Ended up in Borgin and Burkes. It was a bit of a nightmare getting out of there."Hermione, ever the practical one, reached into her bag and pulled out her wand. "Here, let me fix your glasses, Harry." With a deft flick of her wand and a murmured "Reparo," Harry's glasses were as good as new."Thanks, Hermione," Harry said, adjusting them on his nose with a grateful smile. "I definitely need to remember that one,"As they made their way through the crowds of witches and wizards, Hermione couldn't shake the persistent urge to find a bathroom. She tried to ignore it, focusing instead on the excitement of the day. She crossed her legs slightly as they stood still and when walking between shops, Hermione took small, fast steps to keep her legs together.

In Flourish and Blotts, where the renowned Gilderoy Lockhart was hosting a book signing for his latest release, an autobiography entitled Magical Me? The bookstore was packed, and the air buzzed with excitement. As they squeezed their way inside, Hermione's discomfort grew, but she was determined not to let it spoil the day.

Inside the store, Gilderoy Lockhart's charismatic voice boomed over the crowd. He was in the middle of a dramatic reading when he spotted Harry."Harry Potter!" Lockhart exclaimed, his smile widening. "Why, what an honor! Ladies and gentlemen, the Boy Who Lived!"Before Harry could protest, Lockhart had pulled him onto the stage, the crowd erupting into applause. Cameras flashed, and people surged forward, eager to catch a glimpse of Harry.Amidst the excitement, Hermione's situation grew dire. She could feel the pressure mounting, and despite her best efforts to find a bathroom, there was none in sight. The overwhelming clamor and the crush of people made it impossible to slip away unnoticed.As Lockhart regaled the audience with tales of his supposed heroics, Hermione felt a mortifying warmth spread down her legs. Her heart pounded in her chest as she realized what was happening. She quickly tugged the skirt of her dress down, desperately trying to cover the evidence of her accident. A damp puddle surrounded the floor beneath her.The moment Harry was released from Lockhart's grip, Hermione darted out of the bookstore, her face flushed with embarrassment. She found a secluded alley and leaned against the wall, tears of frustration and humiliation welling up in her eyes.Taking a deep breath, she collected herself and finally found a restroom. Once inside, she cleaned herself up as best as she could, She removed her now yellow-stained underwear and opened her bag, pulling out a pink pull up. She slipped it on, mortified and her accident and hoping nobody could see the pink padding she now had under her dress. Her mind racing with a mix of emotions. She couldn't believe what had happened, and she dreaded facing her friends.When she emerged, she was surprised to see Ron and Harry waiting for her, concern etched on their faces."Hermione, are you alright?" Harry asked, stepping forward.Hermione nodded, unable to meet their eyes. "I'm fine, just... had a bit of an accident."Ron and Harry exchanged a glance, and then Ron gave her a reassuring smile. "Don't worry about it, Hermione. These things happen."Harry nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we're just glad you're okay."Hermione's cheeks were still burning, but their support made her feel a bit better. She took a deep breath and smiled weakly at them. "Thanks, you two. Let's just... not talk about this again, alright?""Deal," Ron said, grinning."Absolutely," Harry agreed, and with that, they made their way back to Diagon Alley, ready to continue their adventure together, knowing that no matter what happened, they would always have each other's backs.

Harry then told Hermione about a brief altercation with Draco Malfoy and his retched father whilst in the bookstore, Hermione uttered a few choices adjectives before they all made their way to the leaky cauldron. 

Hermione bid farewell to Harry and Ron, before she met her parents outside the pub. Hermione jumped in the back off the car and told her parents about her day, conveniently missing out the part about wetting herself. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28 ⏰

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