Part 5

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Lance watched as the soccer tournament vision slowly faded away and he was back in the town. These daydreams happened to Lance very often. People knew his eyes were different but they didn't know to what extent. His eyes were in a sense "Plugged" into his mind, if a thought was powerful enough they would make it seem like he was actually doing what he thought. He could see things at microscopic levels, see colors others couldn't, see the stars past cloudy at night and even see in the dark. Lance walked towards the embers from the dead Imp and studied the remains. Lance had done some study on Imp-kind, this Imp very weak which meant he couldn't survive alone, there's must be more higher-level Imps around here. By studying the embers Lance's theory was correct, when Imps group together they leave embers instead of ashes. "These embers...this is almost a full flame." Lance blew on the embers and they suddenly bursted into flames "There must be something else here, even with high-level Imps around these embers should never be able to burst into flames..." Lance looked around at the buildings around him. "Where are Ellyn and Darrien?" at that moment Lancelot saw Darrien fly through a wall landing face first in the dirt, he laughed as Darrien spit the dirt out from his mouth. "Have a good meal there?"

"Shut your fucking mouth" Darrien flung his arm at Lancelot and a sudden gush of energy sent him flying, flipping around in the air and landing on his feet.

"That wasn't nice Brother"

"Don't call me that, we are not brothers."

"You mad at me? Too bad-so sad" Lance chuckled as he stuck his tongue out at Darrien. Darrien shook his head

"So immature, why'd father send a child on this mission?" Darrien held out his hand and a paper thin shield blocked a giant stone from hitting him. Both looked at the hole Darrien had made and a creature covered in rock was standing there.

"That sent you through a wall? That thing isn't even a fully grown rock golem!" Lancelot laughed hard as he took a step to the left dodging another rock, as if he had all his attention on the golem. Lance bent backward like he was in a limbo contest "it's the same size as you, haha!" Lance spun to the right dodging another blast of energy from Darrien.

"Damn you-Hold still!" Darrien rushed forward and Lancelot jumped, flipping over Darrien and blocking the golem's fist. He ducked as Darrien punched the golem's chest sending pebbles off its body and shaking his hand in pain. Lance put a hand on the ground while punching Darrien's stomach. Wrapping his legs around the golem he spun it around to punch Darrien in jaw. Darrien went to punch but Lance flexed so he would hit the golem again and winced from the pain in his hands. The golem went to punch Lancelot but he grabbed Darrien's shoulders and climbed on him just in time as the golem punched a hole through its own stomach. "Get off me you monkey!" Darrien grabbed Lance's leg and used him like a bat to hit the golem. Lance wrapped his body around the golem and slithered down to the ground like a snake back to his feet bfore upper-cutting Darrien and stepping to the side as the golem punched him, sending him flying. Lance grabbed another piece of paper from his back pocket and looked at the golem.

"Thanks for your help noble knight" Lance bowed and the golem tilted its rock head before raising its arm to slam down on him. Lance caught the rocks and smashed the paper against the golem's head and the piles of rocks fell down to the ground. Lance squatted down looking at the rocks. "I'm sorry I had to do this friend, but I like my face the way it is" Lance turned his head at the sound of Darrien in the air with fire around his arms, yelling in a surprise attack. He rolled to the side as Darrien punched the ground turning the rocks to dust. "Whoa! Did I piss you off that much?"

"I'm gonna wipe that fucking grin off your face!" Lance threw the paper and it stuck to Darrien's chest to make the flames around his arms die out. "Wha-"Lance grabbed his arm while putting his other arm around Darrien's neck and flipped him to the ground.

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