the start of the GC of the dead

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Unknown source adds Cody, Duncan, Gwen, Katie, Eva ,Izzy, leshawna and the others...

Cody: what the hell is this ??

Izzy: Izzy thinks it's a group chat

Cody:I know that but I'm confused about who  me to  add this  and who else is in this group chat

Katie:omg what is this ?

Duncan :group chat duh 🙄

Katie: I know that Duncan but I'm asking the same thing Cody said 

Gwen: umm... Hi

Cody: hi Gwen how are you

Gwen:I'm doing great thanks Cody

Katie:hi Gwen 

Gwen:hi Katie 👋

Izzy : hi everyone 👋👋👋

Cody : do we know why we're on here ?

*Gwen, Duncan, izzy and Katie say no*

Cody:great just great 😃

Leshawna: hi  y'all,leshawna in the house ❤️

*Cody, Izzy, Katie, Duncan and Gwen  say hi *

Eva : why the hell did I get a bunch of notifications from this

Cody : hi Eva  we been chatting on this  chat group sorry if we disturb you

Eva : it's all right

*They all say hi (only the ones that are online now)*

Noah : ...

Cody:huh????? Noah?....

Noah:.... hi

*Duncan, Gwen, Katie, leshawna, Eva and Cody :Noah?!

Noah : this stupid phone keeps getting soaked omg 😑

Cody : omg Noah wait... How are you texting if you're dead ?

Noah : I'm still dead but I'm now what you call a sort of a  ghost btw what is this

Cody :omg oh and we don't really know


Katie: Duncan if you start anything you will get your ass kicked, k?


Katie:good 😊

Eva :Noah how is your even working if you're in water anyway?

Noah :idk it just works but it keeps on moving on to  I don't want it to do that

Izzy:Noah omg omg hiiiiiii

Noah :hi Izzy

Owen : what's this ??

Geoff: it's a group chat Owen

Owen:omg  cool?!!!

Cody:Owen!??!  Geoff!!!????

owen: OMG hi Cody  , hi everyone 👋👋👋😁😁

Geoff:hi everyone 👋👋

Katie: wait if you Noah and Owen+Geoff are online that means SADIE GET ONLINE NOW PLEASE

Sadie: Omg hi Katie!! How are you ☺️ 💗

Katie: omg Sadie 🥹 I missed you so so so much you mean everything to me I can't believe you died I wish it was a nightmare

Sadie:awww Katie I missed you too and everyone wishes it was a horrible nightmare and you mean everything to me , my BFFL 💗 💕💕💗💗

Courtney: what is this ???

*Duncan and Gwen:omg Courtney we missed you 😭❤️

Courtney:I missed you guys too 💕

*So basically everyone else comes online they all shed tears basically I'm not writing all that bc it'll be really boring  and repeative*

Cody :sooo .... Wait I forgot about that asshole Chris

Tyler :we have him locked up in the back in storage 😊

Izzy: what's he doing in there 🤨🫤

Lindsay : he's a sacrifice until he's gone we just keep him there for now ...

Harold :he also getting on my nerves 😭 he's been shouting and grinding 🤬 himself against the poll 😤 gosh it's annoying 😭

Noah :why the hell is grinding himself against the poll 😃🤨

Harold: idk to get his rocks off 🫤

*Everyone -harold: the hell

Heather: what you mean get his rocks off 🤨🤨🤨🤬🤬

Cody :how are you typing ?? 🤨

Heather:with my hair

Cody : wtf anyways 😊 it's Tyler's birthday 🎉🎉 so happy birthday to you , Tyler ❤️

Tyler :thanks Cody🥹☺️

Lindsay : happy birthday Tyler 🎉🎉🎉💗💗💗 love you 😘🥰🥰

Tyler: thanks ,love you so much Lindsay 😘🥰🥰

* they all say happy birthday to Tyler I know I'm way off rom his birthday but anyways *

Cody : I'm in this stupid  strict repent Catholic school that  my stupid parents sent me too

Heather :omg what 🙂🤣

Cody : their mascot looks like the KKK I'm not lying and their sooo homophobic as fuck like mention a word gay you get into detention

Leshawna:Girl , what you mean KKK?

Cody : the  mascot does  it looks like the KKK ngl😅

Heather:lol 😅 ... That's scary

Cody:it is , and it's like hell , they get mad at me just for mentioning my trauma

DJ : I feel sorry for you Cody 😞

Cody : going off for a bit I'm going to do my librarian shift now , byee👋😊

*They all say goodbye *
722 words

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