Chapter 3; Dead

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There's blood splattered everywhere, mostly surrounding the bodies. One is laying cold dead on the ugly green couch. It's mostly brown now, the blood and the ugly green made a disgusting brown color.

The other body is in the kitchen, sat down in front of the counter leaning her back against it. The images are terrifying. The one in the kitchen has her eyes open, pure fear in them. Absolute terror. It's almost like she watched the other one die.

The one on the couch isn't as visible where Beth is standing, Liz can see it slightly better. Liz can see a cut on the back of his neck. The TV in front of the couch is also splattered with blood. Because of all the blood splattered around the kitchen and living room, (some even reached the dining room) you can already tell the person who did this tortured them before killing them.

They lived in a small house, which is why you can at least glance at the first three rooms closest to the entrance. Which Elizabeth standing on the right side, she can see the living room better, with Beth on the left, she can see the kitchen better.

Liz watches a lot of murder documentaries so she's really good at looking at pictures similar to this. Of course the pictures are less horrifying, the bodies are blurred out, along with the other body parts across the room from the body itself. Liz is in pure shock and can't move. She never thought anybody would dare to do this with her father's list of people he knows who could kill you in 2 seconds. However, in case you haven't already figured it out.

They're dead, her parents are dead. Not only does that mean that Bethany was right, that means there is something seriously wrong with Liz.

While Liz is still trying to process everything Beth rummages through her bag for her phone.

Shit! It's not in there... Beth remembers.

While still panicking she runs to the car and thankfully it unlocks itself if the key is nearby because Beth opens the door as fast and wide as she can and grabs the phone immediately she plops herself down on the passengers seat in the front and calls 911. After what seems like three years they finally answer.

"911, what's your emergency?" The man on the other finally says.

"Help! Please help! I came to my friends parents house so she can grab some stuff to bring back to our dorm but they're dead!" She screams, way louder than she intended to.

"Ma'am please calm down, who is dead?"

"Don't tell me to calm down guy!! I swear to god! Her parents! Her parents are dead!" The fear and panic in her voice is terrifying. Even the man on the other side of the call can feel her heart racing. Maybe even hear it.

"Okay ma'am we're tracing the call we're coming to you now. Can you confirm you are currently on 475 Mecca street?"

"Yes sir, that's where I am." She managed to stop screaming but her voice is still shaky. In fact, her whole body is shaking, she can feel the phone slightly rubbing her ear because of her shaky hands.

"Okay we're on our way everything's going to be okay. We'll be there in about 8 minutes." Bethany knew everything wasn't going to be okay, not for a while. It's not like they were going to miss her parents or anything, but someone might come after them. One of Trevor's colleagues maybe, who knows?

Beth now knows there is something horribly wrong with her best friend. She can predict close murders, Beth can't decide whether it's a gift or curse.

"Please hurry! My best friend, their daughter, she's still there she can't move." She's louder now, she just noticed that Liz is still there.

Fuck, she's in shock...

"Ma'am what do you mean 'she can't move' is she stuck?"

"No sir she's not stuck. We opened the door and saw their bodies, I ran to call the police but I think she's in shock. You have to help her!"

"We will help your friend, we're about three to four minutes away, we'll be there soon. Please grab your friend and get her out of the way, we need to get in there as quickly as possible. I have people on the way and they're driving as fast as they can."

"Yes sir, I'm going to grab her right now." Bethany runs to Liz, and grabs her arm. She's still on the call.

"Liz, can you hear me?" Beth slightly shakes Liz, then harder, then violently, but she's not responding. After a moment of arm shaking the man speaks.

"Is she out of the way?"

"No," Beth answers, her eyes sting, but until Liz is okay she not going to let herself cry.
"She can't hear me, and if she can she isn't responding."

"Can you carry her?" Asks the man.

"Yes I can, and if I can't I still will." Without further instructions Bethany picks up Elizabeth and carries her bridal style. She runs back to the car and lays Liz down in the back seats. Liz's eyes are huge, it's like she's not blinking. She's not staring at Beth either, Liz is staring right in front of herself. In this case, the roof of the inside of the car.

"We're really close, is she out of the way?"

"Yes she is. You need to help her first though."

"Don't worry ma'am, we sent enough people. So they will be able to take your friend and take a look at the scene."

"Thank you sir."

"That's my job."

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A few minutes later they arrived, the man on the phone heard the sirens and said to Beth,

"Looks like they're here, everything's going to be okay."

"Thank you sir." Bethany said gratefully.

"No problem." Then he ended the call.

When they practically jumped out of their cars, 5 cops went inside the house with doctors that had two stretchers. Eventually the doctors came out with two bodies on the stretcher in two large, zipped up, blue bags. The cops stayed inside investigating the scene.

All Beth could do was sit in the passengers seat with the door open and watch. She was also paying attention to Liz making sure no one took her with herself noticing.

While they were sealing up the house and looking at the scene, 1 man and two women came and started to grab Elizabeth.

"Woah! Hold on!" She got up as she almost yelled at them. She hadn't meant to though, she was simply scared. Also the sirens were really loud, in a way it made her feel claustrophobic. If she had been a little too loud they'd have to understand that she was scared, after all, that was their job.

"If you're going to take her I have to come. I'm the only one she has." Her eyes were stinging again, she didn't know what she would do if they didn't let her come.

One of the women came up to her and reassured her that she would definitely be allowed to come. And that either way, they were going to ask her to come anyways.

At that point Bethany had removed the hand she put in front of Elizabeth as if to guard her and let them put her on the stretcher. Her eyes were still wide open, meaning she was conscious. You could also notice she started to blink more.

Maybe she not that in shock anymore, either way she still is though... Beth thinks to herself.

The ambulance are about to leave and the cops are planning to stay for a while.

Beth hops on the ambulance and they close the doors, she's next to the laying Elizabeth and holding her hand. Gently rubbing the back of it, they're on their way to the hospital.

While this is happening the doctors are looking at Elizabeth checking her condition. Checking her pupils and stuff. Beth doesn't really care, all she cares about is if they're gonna be able to help her.

1,365 words...

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