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For clarification, here are Rainer's three forms.

Human werewolf form: looks like a human but with wolf ears on top of his head, sharp and pointy canines that poked out of his mouth and small claws for fingernails. His nose is like Fionna and Simon's.

Monster Werewolf form: is what you'd expect when you hear the word werewolf. Large, buff, white furred bipedal wolf monster with large claws, razor sharp teeth and pupilless red eyes.

Wolf form: just a wolf with white fur and red eye sclera with slit pupils. Only this form can change sizes at will.

So if I say any of these forms, you know what I'm talking about. Also, Rainer is around 18 years old. He's a young adult.




In Farmworld.

Rainer groaned as he opened his eyes. The smell of corn and blood assaulted his nose as he noticed he was laying in a corn field on some corn. He was confused as to why he was here until he saw Fionna, Cake and Simon and remembered what happened.

'Right, I was fighting that red guy and he used that metal thing.' Rainer thought before turning to the palm of his hand that should have a hole inside, but surprisingly, there was nothing there. Not even a scar. It didn't even sting. 'Super healing, of course.'

Rainer groaned loudly, gaining the attention of the rest of the group. They all turned to him and Cake was the first to speak.

"Rise and shine, wolf boy!" She said cheerfully with her hands on her hips before getting a glare from Rainer. "Someone's grumpy."

"Werewolf Prince! We were just talking about a way we can get magic back to our world." Said Fionna cheerfully with an abnormally happy smile as Rainer noticed blood on her clothes. "Want me to catch you up to speed? And how's your hand by the way?"

Rainer grunted before signing something to Fionna. Fionna, who didn't know sign language, was very confused. However, Simon was there for the rescue.

"*Sigh* I know it's unfair that you've been dragged into this without knowing anything, but whatever the Scarab will do to them he'll do to you." Replied Simon calmly. "Your best bet to avoid a painful death is working with us."

Whatever. Signed Rainer with a tired sigh. Fionna and Cake saw this and were still very confused as, again, neither of them knew sign language.

"Uhh, about that hand motion talk..." Said Cake calmly as she approached Rainer. "Can't you just...normal talk like how you yelled at that red guy from before when he called you an embarrassment?"

Rainer instinctively clenched his fist on the ground upon hearing the last word Cake said, leaving visible claw marks on the corn, plant stems and even the dirt lying under them. Cake saw this and took a lot of steps back in fear.

"Uhh, forget what I said..." She said with a nervous smile as she clung to Fionna for dear life. She didn't want to have a close meeting with those claws if they can do that at their weakest. "please?"

Unlike Cake, Fionna didn't consider Rainer a threat. "C'mon, Werewolf Prince. There has to be a better way to communicate. Only Simon knows sign language."

Rainer didn't reply as he noticed he still had the drawing tablet and stylus from before. He quickly turned it on and ignored how the battery symbol had an infinity sign as he drew one word on the screen in neat handwriting.

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