Death is only an inconvenience

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It seems….unreal, and it…hurts

There is something holding my left shoulder, and now that I think of it, I have the same unpleasant sensation in my right shoulder as well. I can’t open my eyes, the wind is hitting my face with a great force. It feels like Njörd is striking me with all his might. What is that smell ? I know it’s not the first time that I smell this. Is that….the sea ? Am I in the sea ? No it doesn’t seem like it, it’s cold but it is the winds that’s causing my pain. I can’t feel the ground nor feel the water, it feels like I’m falling but without going down. Am I….flying ?

‘Finally awake ? It is about time ! We left Midgar a while ago, I am bringing you to a new realm, I’ll give you more information when we land.’

What is that creature ? I try to open my eyes but I can barely see. The creature that is carrying me is darker than the darkest night. It looks like an endless void, even the light has no right to lighten it.

‘If I was you, I would try to remember the name you were given on Midgar. It might be more difficult than you’d think.’

By Odin ! That flying monster is right ! What is my name ? Who am I ?

Did it say that we left Midgar ?

Am I…..dead ?

‘You might be wondering where we are. As for now, just know that your body and your memories belong to the battlefield. Also, get ready for the landing cause’ the land is getting closer.’

I fell on the battlefield ? So, I am going to Valhalla ?

We are about to land, I can feel that we are going down.

I can touch the ground, and I can finally open my eyes and see clearly. I can see that I am standing with my feet on the grass. The weather is comfortable, the wind is chill and the sun is hot. There is something in front of me, a big bird that is covered in black feathers, with black claws and a black beak. It’s a crow, and a really big one.

‘Let me introduce myself, I am Hugin, one of the two messenger crows that works for Odin. As a warrior who fell on the battlefield, you’ve been chosen to join his grand army in Valhalla. But, you will need to prove yourself first. You’ll have to slay 6 mighty beasts who live in this realm. To do so, you will have to hunt to be able to eat ,craft clothes and weapons. You will also need a shelter that you will build with the tools that you’ll make. You’ll be able to start your quest in these meadows, where boar and deer live. Wood is abundant and the monsters are weak. So now, I can welcome you to the 10th realm. Welcome to Valheim.’

‘I have some questions. How am I going to find those beasts ? And how much time do I have to spend here ? Also, did you say that monsters here are weak ? ’

‘Yes, monsters in the meadows are the weakest. There are other biomes that you’ll need to explore, and it will take a lot of time. Be patient because you will have to live in those lands for months or maybe years. Try to make yourself comfortable.’

‘Years ? But what if I take too long ? I don’t want to die of old age !’

‘Don’t worry about dying. In this realm, death is only an inconvenience. You can’t really die. And you can’t age.’

‘An inconvenience ? What do you mean by that ?’

That crow is slowly getting on my nerves. His tone of voice sounds like he is telling me the rules of a ridiculous game. An inconvenience ? Death can’t be mocked like that. If it was that easy I wouldn’t be in this realm.

‘Well like I said you can’t die, well in fact you can but it is temporary. You will meet your end often. A lot of powerful creatures live in those lands and they aren’t the friendly types. You’ll be slain, and altho you’ll feel the pain, you will wake up in the last bed that you slept and be ready to get back in action. You will lose your stuff but a stone will appear at the spot of your death so it will be possible to get it back.’

‘What is going to happen if I die before getting a bed ?’

‘You will wake up here, in the middle of the stone circle. The best way to make you understand would be to show you’

‘Show me ?!’

Is that damn crow going to kill me ? I won’t let it try ! I am ready to fight, I have no weapons but I’ll slay him with my bare hands !


‘ARGH !’

My….throat… hurts……


End of chapter one

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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