Chapter 2

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Beep, beep, beep! My alarm sounds early that next morning waking me from one of my rare peaceful dreams. I sigh and roll over, smacking it to shut it off. Its a school morning, so I have to get up. Waking up has never been a problem to me since Ghosts tend to approach me more when i'm sleeping, helpless in bed. I roll out of bed pull on two fluffy striped socks and my bathrobe and hop down the stairs. I had a peaceful sleep so I'm in a good mood, kind of. I slide into my stool at the kitchen counter, the warm comforting smell of pancakes is coming from the stove. My mom is standing there smiling, happily flipping the pancakes. For a brief instant, it felt as if everything was, well, okay. That was until I noticed a floating old man fly slowly past the window. He was missing a leg, and seemed to be crying. He was bleeding profusely, but that didn't matter. He was already dead. MIserable. Sometimes, I felt badly for the ghosts. THey didn't ask for this life of pain and suffering. I feel badly, until they turn and try to rip my face off that is. Some of them are nice, they actually aren't deadly, which is slightly comforting. If you've been through what i have. After I eat I run upstairs to get dressed. I walk into my room and immediately scream as a small girl scurries under my bed. I can hear hear intense cough, the mucus flailing in her throat. I slowly walk to my dresser to pick out an outfit, trying my best to ignore her. Then my mom comes in i'm shivering in fear. She runs over to me hugging me asking what's wrong i just shake my head. I see her now, her head is poking out from beneath the bed, her eyes bloodshot. Her face pale as fresh winter snow. I begin to feel the temperature drop, my mom notices too. She pulls me out a sweater and puts it over my head. I just stand there frozen. My eyes glued to the figure floating towards me on her stomach. She be begins to speak now. Her voice is hazy, like she could barely make out the words. "Mama? Is that you" she asks. I stare at her shocked, she looks familiar. "Oh my god!" I yell my mom looks at me and says, "Dakota! Honey, whats wrong?!" I look at her, "N, N N Nothing, can you please go, I um want to be um alone, gotta get dressed right?" I say nervously. She gives me a weird look but nods and walks out of the room. Leaving the door ajar. I stare down at the girl. She suddenly clutches my ankles. " Wheres my mom!!!!" I feel her nails digging into my ankles i look down and notice that they are actually making damage. I had never seen that before. It worried me. The ghosts had always attacked me, now seeing that they are actually leaving marks, my parents will begin to worry about me. I sit down next to her and and look at her. I saw her on the news. She died at the hospital suddenly from a rare disease. They are still figuring out what it was though. Suddenly she wraps herself around me and starts to cr. Hugging me tighter and tighter. I began to feel as if I wasn't taking in enough air and I begin to choke. Coughing and wheezing together we were both on the floor. I tried to swat at her, but it didn't work. She dodged me every time. She began to laugh, an evil cackling laugh. Then I realized she was trying to kill me. I began to yell, only making and occasional squeak as my body slowly ran out of air then, i saw a salt packet, underneath my dresser. I must have left it there weeks ago. I grabbed it and shattered the small glass container on the wood floor and watched satisfied as she slowly sizzled away.

Author's note: Okay guys well chapter 2! I'm actually writing this back to back. I just started this story and I'm really enjoying it. I didn't look at the comments considering, well nobody's reading it yet so yeah. Well I like this story a-lot and i'm really excited to write it. I have BIG plans. LOTS OF CONTENT!! Hope your enjoying!  

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