Chapter 29- ---The exhibition

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I tucked behind my ear a strand of my new wig nervously. I assessed my look as it reflected in the mirror of the elevator that travelled up to the second level of the gallery.

I was dressed in a beige lulus shacket and company pants. Matched with a Steve Madden catcher platform sneakers. It was a monochrome look.

My handbag was tan color of the same neutral color palette of the cream outfit, but still added a pop of color.

Bethel was next to me, taking in my nervous composure, she took my hand in hers to calm me.

"You've got this." She said comfortingly.

I nodded.

I had booked the place for the exhibition. I'd been in good partnership with the gallery owner. So I got a good deal on the place. It had plenty of open room, light and wall space to display.

We had scout the venue few days in advance to plan the layout of the exhibit, deciding which work will go where.

I had been prepareing for the exhibition of my art works for months now. There was nothing stopping it from being a successful outing, except my anxiety.

Heads up, chin out. Don't slouch!

I told myself, exhaling slowly.

The elevator doors open and we stepped into the hall that was already a full swing. The capacity of the hall confirmed the joy that erupted in me.

A waitress walked up to us with a tray of champagne, we took a glass each.

"Thank you."

I scanned the crown of pretty much familiar faces. Thirty percent of the population were faces I hadn't seen before.

I never knew I'd have such massive turn out. I had promoted the event on my social pages. And I'd invited some of my online clients.

There are event ropes to guide guests through a predetermined route for a focused experience. We strutted to the designated space for a meet-and-greet.

Beth spotted her man at the corner of the hall, leaning forward as he took a closer look at one of the arts that captured his interest.

"I see Shiju. I'll be right back." She said, needling her was through the crowd towards him

I nodded.

I took in the view of my displayed pieces. I'd hired a crew to help set up. It's a laborious process, and having plenty of helping hands made it easier to transport and mount the art frames.

Each art piece had a label with its name, and a short biography of the artist. The was also a portrait I made of Kiitan on display. I didn't think it would make the cut. I guess I was wrong.

I could identify my brother Moleye and his wife at the far end of the all discussing and observing one of my paintings.

Some of my colleagues from the schools I part-timed and the proprietress were also mixed in the crowd checking out different pieces.

I spotted my parents approaching me. The had a big smile on their faces. My mother already had her arms spread out before even getting to me.

"I'm so proud of you Tejumade." She said as she cupped me in her embrace. "We both are."

"Awwwwn! Thank you mummy." I said as I pulled out of her embrace to look up at my father. "Daddy.."

"I'm proud of you baby." He said pulling me in for a hug too.

"Thank you guys for coming." I muttered.

"We wouldn't miss it for the world." My mother said animatedly.

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