[I Love You~Karlnap]

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No TW'S here

Sapnap,Karl, Dream and George were all streaming they didn't know what game to play though. They was a lot of debating and shouting with Karl hated. He didn't show it though because he didn't wanna ruin anything.

They all soon agreed to play Minecraft Karl didn't mine he wasn't the best at Minecraft but he loved playing it.

Around 2 hours went by and they were just messing around. Dream set up a parkour they had to do and George kept dying. "Yo guys this is boring" Sapnap said.

Karl smiled at the sound of his boyfriends voice it made him so happy. Everyone else agreed so they just talked.

Karl began to zone out while the others were talking because it was all boring. "Karl?" Someone called his name. George. "Huh?" He said confused. "I think you zoned out Karl" Sapnap said.

I grabbed something to fidget with so I didn't zoned out anymore. It worked which was good I hate zoning out it happens so randomly.

"WHAT GAME ARE WE GONNA PLAY?!" Sapnap exclaimed. He made me jump a little because he screams so loud.

"Karl play tko with me" Sapnap said I really didn't want to "I don't want toooo" I said Sapnap groaned. "Pleaseeeeeeeee" he said i rolled my eyes. "No" I replied.

Dream and George started laughing. There was chatter for a few minutes and then Sapnap started complaining. "Sapnap?" I said he Just hummed "I love you" I was being genuine with saying that.

"If you love me then you'll play tko with me" Sapnap said laughing. Laughter erupted from George and Dream "Karl you just got rejected" Dream laughed. I laughed along so I didn't seem werid or it wasn't obvious I was upset.

The rest of the stream was a blur I wasn't communicating that much I barely read my chat and I was just really hurt.

My chat kept asking if I was okay and sometimes George but Dream and Sapnap kept making jokes about me saying 'I love you' to Sapnap George was laughing to.

I ended my stream and left the VC. I was the first one to leave but I couldn't stay in there any longer. I went downstairs and made myself some water.

I sat on the counter and just stared into space thinking about all the jokes they made and how much they laughed. I bursted into tears for a few minutes until I heard my phone ring.

I stopped crying and wiped my tears then read the contact name 'Pandas❤️'. I anwsered. "Hey Karl I've seen videos of your stream on Twitter you seemed upset and you weren't communicating and you seemed really upset what happened?" Sapnap spoke. "You that's what happened you." I spoke.

"What? What did I do?" Sapnap asked I was starting to get annoyed. "I said I love you to me then you just rejected me and started making jokes about it with Dream and George through the whole stream!" I said.

Sapnap fell silent for a moment. "Karl I didn't know you were being genuine I thought you were joking and you were laughing to" Sapnap spoke. "I was being genuine I do love you and I was only joking because I didn't want you to think something was up!" I said.

Before Sapnap could say anything else I hung up. I don't know how but I ended up on the floor choking and struggling to breathe. Tears were falling and falling I started to feel dizzy that's when I heard the front door open.

Sapnap walked over to me and held my hands. "Karl breathe listen to my heartbeat" He said as he laid me on his chest. I listened to his heartbeat it was slow.

I soon calmed down my breathing and Sapnap sat me up. I still felt really dizzy and my head hurt a lot. "Karl...I didn't mean to make all them jokes it was fucked up i love you to..." he said.

I smiled as much as I could.

"Can I...kiss you?" He asked I nodded he kissed me it was short but still amazing.


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