Fujiwara Masana

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"Do you feel any better after 6 days, Kojirō?"
"A little, I still can't place my finger on what's wrong."
Sakatoki jumped up, "I heard theres a tournament nearby! It's happening soon, let's go Tsuna!"
"What's Tsuna?" asked Raikou
"A nickname he gave me, though I don't know the reason or meaning. Should I go to the tournament?" Kojirō replied
"Sure, since Sakatoki wants to go."
"You really have become more motherly since we took him in."
"W-what?" she blushed a bit "A-anyway I heard about a sale going on since the farmers had an abundance of food, I will put my haggling skills to good use then catch up to you two."
They parted ways, The tournament had only one person of interest to Kojirō. They stared at eachother for a bit before the man had to fight, he wasn't very impressive but he won. He was then attacked by outsiders and ran away, he was heavily injured and outnumbered so Kojirō considered helping but was next in line to fight in the tournament. Raikou was happily walking to the tournament after dropping off what she bought at their room, an injured boy ran past her then many attackers. She decided to follow them then helped fight, more attackers appeared. Then a mysterious person took them all out. She walked towards Raikou, "Thank you for protecting him, I will grant you any wish. Do not be afraid of any limitations."
Raikou thought for a bit, "Make me a man!"
Her body was changed into a man's, "Is this acceptable?"
"Yes! Thank you!" she admired her body, completely forgetting about the tournament and boy.
"It will last a day then you will revert to normal, your skills with the sword may also be affected."
"Let's spar so I can test that!"
Raikou was defeated almost instantly then the woman disappeared. Raikou decided to go to a place she had seen before Sakatoki was kidnapped, a whorehouse.

"You're so cool Tsuna!"
"You can be too if you hard enough."
"Where was mommy ah- Lord Raikou?"
"I'm not sure, but I am sure she would enjoy being referred to as your mother."
She didn't return to the inn until the next morning. "I'm a man!!!" She barged in. "It's me! Tokemi!"
"Lord Raikou? What's with the body?"
"You won't believe what happened, there was this cute ah- injured young boy who was being chased by attackers so I went to help then another person came and thanked me then granted me a wish. I will be myself again after a day has passed."
"Can you explain what this mysterious person looked like?"
"She was very pretty and amazing with the sword, she even beat me! She looked like a female rōnin and wore red and white."
Kojirō was satisfied with this answer, they then heard a loud noise from outside their room. "Sorry! I will check somewhere else." said an injured boy at the counter.
"Wait! You can stay with us!" called Raikou
"Ah! You're the one who helped me!"
They all sat down in their room.
"Who were those people who chased you?"
"They want me dead since I survived the Battle of Sōhō, I don't know how they tracked me here."
"Sōhō?" said Kojirō
"Yes. I am Fujiwara Masana, son of Fujiwara no Munishi."
"My father was a good friend of your clan, Sasaki Ganryū."
"Ganryū? I remember him, he used to visit often when I was younger. It's unfortunate that he left a month before the battle, he would have been a big help."
"He tried to help, he rode there the moment he heard but was too late. He had to rush home after since the attackers had already reached our village, he and my mother died protecting it. I wouldn't have been able to defeat them all without his help."
"I didn't know that, you don't talk about your past much Kojirō" said Raikou "I actually don't even know how you fought that man you want to beat, hawk eyes I think you called him."
"You know Mihawk?" said Masana
"He fought me once and it has been my goal to surpass him ever since." Kojirō replied
"He often visited the castle, I'm sure your father knew him too. He was an amazing swordsman and always talked about the void, he also called it infinity or zero."
They continued talking, Masana left in the morning.

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