Part 27 *

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Me, Mira, Cole, Jace, and Twitch we're hanging out in the common room.
I've been watching as everyone talked and joked with a strange sense of distance. I hadn't joined in like usual because I was so nervous. Today was my last day here. No more prepared meals. No more castles. No more Cole. No more Jace.
I knew Jace had noticed my odd behavior, but he hadn't said anything. So I listened to them joked around. I was totally zoned out when all of a sudden Jace grabbed my hand and pulled me out of the room and into an empty hallway. It surprised me. I had been so wrapped up in my thoughts I hadn't even noticed him get up.
"What's up?" I said, trying to keep the nervousness out of my voice.
"Are you okay?" He said, with a concerned look on his face.
I wanted to kiss him right then and there. Simply because he cared. He cared about me and cared if I was okay. But I knew I couldn't. It would only make things worse when I had to leave tomorrow.
"I'm fine." I said, but I could tell he didn't believe me.
He narrowed his eyes. "You know you can tell me anything right?"
I looked at the floor and mumbled. "Not this."
He still looked concerned but said nothing. I looked into his beautiful brown eyes and I couldn't help myself. I wrapped my arms around his neck, hugging him as tight as I could. He just held me, not saying anything for a few minutes.
I pulled away, taking a shaky breath. "Thanks, Jace."
He looked confused. "For what?"
"For being you." I knew it probably sounded sappy, but at that moment, I didn't care. This was the last time I would see him.
A big, goofy smile spread across his face. "I am pretty amazing." He conceded.
I shoved him lightly and rolled my eyes as we walked back into the common room and sat down where we had been sitting before.
Mira was staring at me, obviously wondering if I had told him. I shook my head lightly and gave a small smile. She slumped in relief.
Cole brought up something that had happened on one of his solo missions, and we started talking again. I felt better, having talked to Jace alone for at least a little bit before I left.
Suddenly, a stranger walked into the room, strolling towards Adam, escorted by a pair of salvagers. None of my friends had noticed yet.
"Hey, guys," I said, and they turned to look at me. "Look." I nodded my head toward the stranger.
Many others had stopped eating to watch the stranger.
They reached Adam's throne.
"Who is this?" Adam asked, with mild interest.
"He wants to see you." Said one of his escorts.
"I don't know this guy." Adam said. "You looking to join us?"
"No." The man said.
"Buyers talk to Rowley, Traders talk to Finch." Adam said dismissively.
"I need to speak with you." The man said. "In private."
"Ha!" Adam shouted. "We all hold shares of this business, friend, or we all will if we live long enough, so what you'd say to one, you say to all.
"How democratic." The man said in a flat tone.
"Look, my news isn't fit for all ears."
Adam narrowed his eyes. "What's your name, stranger."
"Joe McFarland." He said.
"You from Zeropolis?"
"What gave it away?"
"Besides your clothes, your attitude, and that weapon tucked beneath your left armpit? Joe, your far from home, so I'll cut you a break.
These people flirt with death on a regular basis.
Your message won't rattle anyone half as much as you think. Enough treadmilling. Let's have it."
Joe sighed. "There's a large detachment from the Junction Legion headed this way. They want to seize one of your slaves."
My eyes met Mira's from across the room. We looked away from each other hurriedly. It couldn't be Mira, could it?
"Legionnaires?" Adam said incredulously.
"Nobody is going to waltz in here and dance away with one of my slaves. The High Shaper is one of my top customers."
"The High Shaper wants this slave more than one of your trinkets." Joe said. "We're talking about four hundred trained legionnaires."
My jaw dropped. I saw Jace, Cole and Mira making the same slack-jawed face.
"Four hundred?" Adam blustered. "Do you know what it would take to send four hundred legionnaires from Junction to the Brink? Most of the land between us is empty!"
"I counted." Joe said calmly. "The High Shaper isn't playing games. They'd bring your operation to the ground to get what they want."
"I'd like to see them try." Adam said staunchly.
Several voices chimed in with support.
"Do nothing and they'll take what they came for," Joe warned. "You can not guess the value of this person. Let me smuggle the slave away from here. If they search the place, and their quarry is gone, that should mark the end of your troubles." Looking around, he hesitated. "Can't we finish this in private?"
"Search our place?" Adam complained. "Listen friend. Nobody crosses the High Shaper. He's bad news to his enemies. I get that. But the Brink is the edge of the map, a long way from anywhere, and this operation has been running for hundreds of years. I don't care how many men they have, we're not going to let anyone push us around, especially not in our home. What sort of scam are you running? Sounds like your the shyster after one of my slaves."
"No con." Joe said. "I'm not after handouts. I'll pay you twice the fair value for the slave. You'll be out nothing. But the legion will be here soon.
If we're to have a chance, we need to go."
"Which slave are we discussing?" Adam said.
"Nearly all of us were slaves at some point. You here for me?"
"That detail can only be shared in private. The information is dangerous to anyone who here's it." Joe said.
Adam folded his hands. "Then I fail to see why I should hurry to lend an ear."
Joe sighed. "You'll be dealing with the issue soon enough. The legion isn't far behind me. Delay, and your options will shrink. You'll end up betraying one of your own. Do you want to prove that the High Shaper can take whatever he wishes from you? They'll be diplomatic at first, but one way or another, they'll claim their prize."
"What slave?" One of the raiders asked.
"Out with it." Chimed another.
Hands on his hips, Joe just shook his head.
"Is this about Kendal?" Adam guessed and I froze. "Or Cole? They're our newest recruits."
We and Cole shared a panicked look, and I saw Jace's hand stray towards his pocket where his rope was.
Joe huffed. "I'm not telling. I don't want to be mysterious or difficult. It would be safer for everyone if we settled this quietly."
Adam propped his feet up on a stool. "You're failing at mysterious, but your over skilled at difficult. We all know one another here, Joe. If someone vanished, everyone in this room will realize who departed."
"Not immediately," Joe said. "And they won't know why. We need all the secrecy we can get." Adam scowled. "Who would the High Shaper care about. Is it Durny? Our lead Shaper? If so, your to late. He's beyond all reach."
"Not him." Joe affirmed.
I avoided looking at Mira. I felt sick with worry.
They had to be talking about her.
Adam raised his voice. "Any signs of legionnaires?"
"We've seen hints of a big group approaching."
A voice answered from near the door. "Really big. Thought it might be a heard of buffalo. Could be riders. If so, it's lots of them."
"Hundreds of them." Joe added.
Adam stood up. He was taller than Joe, with a stockier build. "I can't tell whether your trying to solve our problem, cause it, or profit by it."
"I can make it all clear in private." Joe insisted.
"I'll tell the others, as soon as we're done."
Adam said.
"I'm willing to take that chance." Adam considered him shrewdly.
"Incoming riders!" Called a voice. "Three legionnaires."
"We're out of time." Joe said urgently.
"Advance party." Adam said. "Might be wise to hear both sides of the story."
"They'll lie. Pressure you. Lend an ear, and you'll end up handing over the slave." Joe said.
Pounding hoofs approached outside. Everyone turned their attention to the door.
"You skipped your chance to state your side."
Adam said.
Joe stepped close to Adam and whispered something in his ear. Adams eyes widened.
"You want to hide?" Adam asked.
"Only if you give me the slave." Joe said.
Adam furrowed his brows.
Joe stepped away, taking a seat at the table closest to him. Adam returned to his throne.
Three men in fancy armor entered the room.
They each wore swords at there hips. And helmets under there arms.
"Captain Scott Picket looking for Adam Jones."
The first legionnaire announced.
"You found me Picket." Adam said. "I don't know your face. What brings you to the edge of the world?"
"An errand of small weight to you but great import from our leaders," Picket said. "May we confier in private?"
"We conduct our business publicly around here." Adam said. "Most of those present share ownership in the operation."
"As you will." Picket said. "A slave was stolen a long time ago from the High King. His majesty would like her returned. We have traced her to this location. At present, we don't not hold you at fault in the matter-you would not have known she was stolen property."
With a quick glance at Joe, Adam said, "All slaves here are bought and paid for."
Picket nodded briskly. "Understood. Considering the inconvenience, we are willing to offer you five times her value."
Adam whistled softly. "Slaves don't come cheap. If she's already the High Shapers property, why offer so much?"
"She is dear to the High King and he wants matters resolved."
"You have her papers?"
"The matter is . . . delicate." Picket hedged.
"Surely you should proof of ownership?" Adam asked.
"You have the word of the legion and the High
Adam rubbed his chin. "If you can't spare five times her value, surely you can spare ten?"
Picket paused. "I expect that could be arranged."
I squeezed the arm of the chair I was sitting in.
Was Adam actually going to bargain with him?
If so, me and Mira needs to go ASAP.
"I see," Adam said. "And if ten, why not a hundred?"
"Now let's not—"
Adam held up a hand. "The High Shaper has deep pockets, the matter is sensitive, and I'm a broker of rare valuables. Why not a thousand?" My mouth dropped open, and I shared a panicked look with Jace. He gave me a look that seemed to say, This guy is so dead.
"Do not imagine you can abuse the legion, sir.
The High King would prefer this to be handled with civility. He appreciates the value of your operation. But he will not hesitate to take what is his. Commander Rainer is coming with a number of men."
"Four hundred?"
"At least."
Adam narrowed his eyes. "Why send so many men for a single slave you can't prove your own?"
"We're not just here for the slave," Picket said.
"We're also on our way to deal with Carnag."
"Carnag?" Adam said. "The High King is finally getting involved?"
"The reports about the monster are most disturbing. We've seen some oddity's throughout the five kingdoms, but never anything quite like this. It's emptying towns quicker than a plague. Local militia and small groups of legionnaires haven't even been able to get reliable information."
Frowning, Adam stared at Picket. "Who is the slave?"
"She presently goes by Mira."

The Outskirts: The Sky Raiders (Jace x OC)Where stories live. Discover now