the threes

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Blake was still sitting with Lydia and Allison in the car. He watched the road, above the blonde's arm. The two girls were still talking about their future date. He knew that Scott and Stiles were about to get a tattoo. But he didn't think of it much. After those two months, the man just needed to get out there again. I mean, he kind of had to after his talk with Lydia.

"It is not a triple date." Lydia stated, glancing at the brunette next to her. She was still driving all three of them to the place of the meeting. "It's a group thing."

"Do they know it's a group thing? Cause I told you that I'm not ready to get back out there." Allison answered, staring right at the girl. She could still see the disbelief in Lydia's eyes.

"You were in France and you didn't do any dating? For four months?"

"Did either one of you?" Allison asked them, after gently shrugging her arms. She still had a soft smile on her face. As if she knew that she was right. "I mean after Danny and..."

"Do not say his name." The other girl interrupted the brunette, looking back at the road.

"Is he okay? I mean, did everything work out?"

"I wish he wasn't... But yeah. Derek taught him all about how to be a werewolf, but the doctors looked like idiots. You know, after he turned up alive. It's fine now, though." Blake spoke up, leaning in to be closer to the girls. His face was now in between the two front seats. But it was low enough for Lydia to see everything that was happening behind them.

"You're not planning on changing your opinion about him, are you?" Lydia asked, glancing at the blond. She tried to hide her smile the entire time.

"No. He was a douchebag. Sure, everyone deserves a second chance, but I just can't give him one."

After that, Allison asked Lydia if she had talked to him. But the strawberry blonde girl immediately explained that it didn't happen since he left for London. Or more like, his dad moved him to London. But the topic quickly moved back to the date that they're driving, too. It's also then that Lydia confirmed that they're going on a date. The blonde stopped her car at the red light. But she kept talking to Allison and Blake about their dates.

"Hey, Blake. What was the name of the girl you were going with?" Allison asked with furrowed eyebrows. She was still smiling genuinely.

"Yvette Castro. She's new in town, so maybe I'll be able to ask her out on a second date, too." Blake answered with a small smile, only one of the corners of his lips rising. His eyes were fully focused on Allison's.

"Maybe you will. If you two are going to enjoy your little date." The brunette teased him with a short laugh. Her lips were spread in a genuine smile. But then, Allison locked eyes with Scott in the car next to them. "Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I can't see him, not now."

"Who... Oh, fuck." Blake's furrowed eyebrows immediately rose slightly, as he saw his brothers next to them. He looked back at Allison, as she kept trying to get Lydia to move. He could see Stiles open the window, as they finally drove away.

"You alright?" Lydia asked softly, watching the other girl nod her head.

Blake waited for a moment, before straightening in his seat. He turned his head, realizing that Stiles started driving the jeep. But not a minute later, the car stopped once again. The man rolled his eyes. I mean, stopping the car out of nowhere is definitely not a weird thing to do. But he couldn't just say this out loud.

"Lydia, stop. We need to go back and talk to them." Allison decided, as Lydia also stopped the car.

In the exact moment, they all turned to watch Stiles and Scott. Two girls quickly saw that the jeep wasn't moving. But what they didn't see was the deer running in their direction. As the animal ran into the car, smashing the front window, all of them let out a scream. The three of them immediately got out of Lydia's car. However, they were still staring at the dead animal. Their eyes were still widened from the fear.

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