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(3rd POV)

It is a quite night in the kingdom of Vale the children of Vale are sleeping the adults are either sleeping or working the students of Beacon Acadmey  are sleeping or studing for classes everything seems good in the kingdom.(Loud sigh). Well not everything is we see the headmaster of this prestiges acadmey Professor Ozpin the grey haired man looks defeated and exhausted a buxom blonde woman enters the headmasters office her name is Glynda Goodwhitch.

Goodwitch: Professor have you found what the school needs?

Ozpin: No none pf the other academies have any students the could give the girls what they are looking for.

Goodwitch; Atlas dosent the is quite surprising, have you heard from Haven or Shade yet?

Ozpin: Yes unforttunately Lionheart has no top students other then SSSN. But now that you mention it Theodore hasnt said a word.

Now you might be wondering what they are refering to by when they mentioned the girls it refers to the girls of teams RWBY and JNPR. You see these beautiful women have had a hard time finding someone to give them as the brawler of RWBY would say a proper dominating Ozpin was ultimately disturbed by this but Goodwitch told him that they are all that age and it would be easier to find a team to do this other than the girls finding it from outside the school. the croll of Ozpin rings he sees that its Theo he hurridly answers it.

Ozpin: Hello? Theo are you there?

Theo: yes i am here. I was considering on if I would make this call or not. I have a student that could do what your wanting no i know ou want a team the thing is he is a one man team.

Goodwitch: No Theo we need a full team this is the request of the girls.

Theo: I understand Glynda but look at his file I just sent it to you Ozpin.

Ozpin pulled it up on his computer in his office as him and Glynda look at a video of a black haired teen with Piercing red eyes fighting BRNZ said teen looks to be puting into little to no effert as he doges blocks all of the attacks he sends a kick to Nolan as it connects the screen indicates that the attck shattered his arua and the force of the attack sends Nolan to the wall of the arena. The teen disappears then is suddenly infront off May and kicks her away as well as shattering her aura as for Brawnz and Roy they get the same treatment as their teammates the fight is over. as it stops on the teen the two professors get a good look at the boy unkempt black hair crimson red eyes a black sleeveless combat shirt and a coat that stays on his shoulders with what looks like wolf fur arounds the collar and the symbol on the back of the coat has Ozpins eyes coming out off his head as Glynda is red faced the symbol is of a wolf head on a sheild.  There is a few moments of silence till Ozpin asks.

Ozpin: Is that boy from the family I think hes from?

Theo: Yes this young man is named Cloud Wolfric hes the third youngest of the main house holds family and is currently the next head of the family as well as the current strongest of the clans men acorrding to his father.

Ozpin: Theo why didnt you tell me this sooner?

Theo: I was trying to convince him to join Beacon for you it wasnt till just recently did he agree.

Goodwitch: Thats trumendis when can we expect him to be here?

Theo: In six days>

as the three professors finish discusing the demands that the head of the Wolfric family had for Beacon, all Ozpin could think about was that it will be over finally he dosent have to worry about the girls anymore.

As the days went by teams RWBY and JNPR heard from Goodwitch that they found exactly what they were looking for the girls they seem slightly excited.

Ruby Rose a sexy young women at the age of 17 (Aged her up for the story) with black hair with red tips silver eyes and her body grew over the years shes now a c cup with a plump butt. Ruby seemed happy hopfully this team can satisfy her and her friends for combat and other afflictions.

Weiss Schnee a sexy sophisticated girl with white hair that meets her plump butt her ice blue eyes shine as the boys of Beacon look at her now D cup breast barley being held by here combat attire. She heard from Goodwitch that there is someone of class coming to the school so she understaanbly grew happy knoing, there is another person of class coming to Beacon.

Blake Beladonna is a Cat Faunes with black hair and yellow eyes with DD cup breasts and as the students called it the Belabooty she is indiffrent she shappy someone could help with everything.

Yang Xioa Long the brawler of the team had long golden blonde hair DD cup breasts and a booty that could rival Blakes she has lilac colored eyes she heard that the team had a lot of muslces she started to drool when she thought of it.

Team JNPRs Pyrrha Nikos has long scarlet hair DD cup breast and a thicc butt she hopes the new team dosent get hurt by others during training .

Nora Valkyreie has short orange hair DD cup breasts she hopes she dosent break there leggs to fast and that they like pancakes.

The day has finally come the day the Wolfric comes to Beacon the teams gathered around the landing zone with the professors in the distance the bullhead can be seen getting near the school.

Yang: So Professor Ozpin who is this team?

Ozpin: Actually its a one man team.

the girls start to doubt the headmasters choice in who he has picked. As the bullhead lands and the doors open Weiss sees who is stepping out as her freinds notice she blushing and shaking.

Ruby(panicing): Weiss are you okay!!!

Weiss(nervously): T-Thats t-t-hats Cloud Wolfric.

the girls look confused as does Jauen and Ren Weiss calms down but is still blusing and explains.

Weiss: The Wolfric family is the msot powerful family around. The children of the family  all are born with at least two or three semblances as well as the family sembalance. From what i have heard from Winter he is by far the most powerful of the family.

They all watch him approach as he draws near the can feel a deadly presance from him he reachs the group and speaks.

Cloud: So you are the group that Headmaster Theo asked me to help with? I can see the strength in all of you and i can say im not impressed.

( ...........Hello everyone let me know what you think of the story so far its been a very long time since I have created a story so if its bad it will get better as it goes on. i hope yall have a good time reading.........)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2023 ⏰

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