#14: The argument

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I have been summoned, I'll explain what happend at the end of this

probably the most lazy yet angsty chapter I've made.


Ves covered Little Lunar's ears as he was crying, "Why are they always fighting now!!" Lunar cried out, "Its fine, It'll be over soon" Ves reassured Lunar as they heard glass breaking.

In the other room, Sun and Moon were arguing, 5th time this week, But it was the worse one yet, Earth was trying to calm them down, but none of them gave a sh1t, Blood was sitting out with Lunar and Ves, eating popcorn as the drama went on.

"YOU KNOW WHAT? I WISH I DIDN'T EVEN KILL ECLIPSE THAT DAY, ALL HE EVER WANTED WAS TO TOURMENT YOU!" Moon yelled, "Wel!-" Sun kept getting midsentence as Moon yelled over and over. "YOU'RE A FKING LYING ANG BETRAYING CHILDRENS SCRAP PILE! Moon yelled again and left, slamming the door. Moon jumped out of the balcony and left the daycare, Just as he did, Sun slammed himself against the wall - head in his hands- and began crying, uncontrollably. Earth went to his side as Blood hurried out to Moon's, "Its all my fault" Sun cried and cried, shivering at this point, As his wrists twitched and shifted uncontrollably.

On the other side..

"Hey- Moon wait" Blood yelled as he chased the night animatronic. Moon went into the elevator, forgetting that the all shut down at 11PM (currently 10:53 PM) and Blood went after him. "What do you want?!" Moon groaned as he turned the elevator and clicked it for the 9th floor. "To correct you." Blood spoke. "And what's there to correct me about?" Moon spoke, backing from the elevator door against the wall. " You shouldn't have said those things, Sun was only trying to help you" Blood said, turning his face to the small digital clock on the top of the elevator. "Doesn't the elevator close at 11PM?" He asked, getting nervous "Yeah?" Moon questioned him looking at the digital clock as well, as the lights went out in the elevator 

"Sh1t" Moon yelled, "the lights come back in an hour!" Blood yelled, "I know" Out of his thoughts Blood that it would be a good idea to talk to Moon about his argument, he also noticed Moon looked like he was gonna breakdown any minute, "Moon, I know you feel guilty" Blood spoke gently turning to Moon, upon hearing those words Moon slimmed down Placing his against the wall,  Blood sat to his level, waiting for Moon to speak. "I-" Moon couldn't speak, he turned his head away from Blood, "I-I know" he mumbled quietly. "That why'd you-" "I couldn't control my self at that time, I lost sight of the issue and went to far" Moon spoke under his breath, as tears rolled down his eyes, 

On the other side again-

Sun had shut everyone out of his room, picking up the pieces of the glass vase that Moon threw, he picked them and throwed them in the dustbin in his room, and slammed himself on to the corner of his bed. He knew that when Moon gets angry, he loses control and just yelling to win the argument, But he figured what he said was true, His battery was low but he didn't care, his eyes had lost there bright cyan color and were just faded- "Warning - Battery extremely low, Warni.." As the message kept repeating, Sun zoned out as his pale skin completely stopped switching and his power went off.

Earth and Ves tried to get Lunar to stop crying. And they eventually got him to sleep, Ves called his brother to ask them were they were, "Blood where are you?".... "uh- Stuck in an elevator" Blood spoke in a questioning tone, trying to act calm, "WHAT!?" Ves screamed "Listen- we're fine okay? we'll be back in like 15 minutes" He rushed through his words and ended the call. He turned back to Moon who was still in tears, "C'mon Moon, I-its fine, I'm sure he'll forgive you" Blood tried reassuring Moon, "I Know he will but ---" He mumbled his last words "what was that-?" Blood asked, Moon didn't respond , and the elevator started working, Blood got up and clicked the elevator button back to the daycare level, "c'mon Moon!" He said getting of the elevator, "I'll come in a minute" Moon replied and changed the elevator button back to 10. And the elevator went back up.  At the top floor, Moon got off the elevator and opened the door to his lab, Moon stayed there for a while, continuing to monitor the Star that Eclipse previously had. 

Blood managed to lock pick Sun's room, and found him unconscious, Ves and Him quickly plugged his charger, after an hour or 2 Moon got back, everyone was asleep. He was ready to apologize he say it partially opened and saw Sun crying, His night vision had identified it of course since it was midnight, Sun couldn't see him, He walked in opening the door, "Who's there?" Sun exclaimed, "Its me Sun.." Sun paused for a moment, "moon?" "yeah," Sun felt scared, for the past hour he had been crying, unaware the lights were out, "Are the ligh-" "yes there out Sun." Moon came forward and sat on the corner of Sun's bed, "Look- I'm sorr-" "I forgive you" Sun interrupted Moon and flug over to hug him, "I'm sorry too", Moon hugged Sun back, tearing up, "I know you don't forgive yourself Moon, It's fine, you just lost control, you didn't mean any of the things you said." Moon couldn't speak through his tears as Sun hugged him tighter

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