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The room wasnt anywhere near nice and atmospheric.
A little while after the 'weed thing', Mingi and Jongho had barged in.
Mingi had scrunched his nose, looking confused, as Jongho was next to him, giggeling and clearly just as drunk as Mingi was.

"Why are you hanging out with these.....twats" Mingi had asked San.
"Twats?" Yunho rose up from his seat, looking hella offended.

I mean who blames him.

"Now now, lets just all hang out together like normal human beings" Hongjoong chuckeld.
Strangly, the two hot heads agreed, listening to Hongjoong.

It was now one big chaotic mess.
Yunho and Mingi were bickering together over some game, apperently Yunho had a higher rank, and said that made him better than Mingi, but Mingi said he was just full of shit.
While Mingi was defending his pride, faced with a giggeling Yunho who wasnt taking him anywhere near serious, Jongho and Seonghwa had made their own karaoke.
They didnt even have the stuff you need to do karaoke, so they sang without a microphone, using their phones as a lyric screen.

San felt strangly comfertable.
It was nice being in this room, seeing everyone doing their own thing.

Meanwhile, Wooyoung and Yeosang had volunteerd to get more drinks and some snacks.

"Why do they takes so long" Hongjoong whined.
"I know right its just some drinks and snacks" San sighed.

"Then go look where they fucking are" Mingi shot at Hongjoong.

"Dont throw your agression towards me just because Yunho is better than you and you cant defend your pride" Hongjoong kindly smiled at Mingi as Yunho threw his head back with laughter.

"I will go look for them" San volunteerd.

It wasnt easy to find them.
San had no clue where he was walking, he wasnt used to big houses at all.
His own house was very small, 2 stories (attic included), a small back yard, and a mini garage you could barely even call a garage.
On the other hand, this house was extremely big, 4 stories, a huge back yard and a big front yard plus 2 big garages, one on each side of the house.

When he finally found the kitchen, he found Yeosang aswell.
"Where is Wooyoung? We are waiting for the drinks and stuff" he said as he tapped on Yeosangs shoulder.
"Wooyoung is taking a call somewhere outside, away from the music, in the front yard" Yeosang answerd, then continuing to pour the drinks.

"Okay then" San said, already looking for the front door.

"Wait! I was actually about to check on him, could you finish this up for me?" Yeosang had quickly put his hand on San's shoulder, as an attempt to stop him.

"Cant I look for him? I will make sure to find him"
San didnt know why he was so persistent to be the one finding and checking up on Wooyoung.

Yeosang looked at San, eyebrows furrowed, with a puzzled look on is face as if San just asked him the impossible.

"Fine, but if it sounds serious, the call I mean, you just have to leave hime alone" he soflty smiled.

San only nodded, he was already back to looking for the front door.

Once he Finally found it, he stepped foot in the big front yard.
There were still quite a lot of people circling the house, but the further he walked, the fewer people there were.
As the music slowly faded, and there was no one to be seen, he saw a figure next to a big tree.

It was Wooyoung, leaning with his shoulder against the tree, his Phone to his ear.
San couldnt help but overhear the conversation.
Well, Wooyoungs part of the conversation.

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