#15: Return

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I'm here to inform you that I might not last long, As my Laptop's been acting up lately, if I disappear, This story may or may not be discontinued, for the time being...

Chapter contains, Angst, Fluff 


Sun was at it again with his thoughts, Earth and Lunar had there own show now, so they were busy away with that, The blood twins were out exploring dimensions and Moon was to focused on his work to even remember he had a brother- 

Sun sat against the wall, looking up at the ceiling, questioning why he existed, Or what was life, and suddenly he heard creaking coming from the scraps room, He thought it was probably one of the malfunctioned robots in there and continued thinking..

In the scrap room,

Orange rays circled and twisted before settling, the room was completely dark but now filled with a red light, of eyes of an animatronic, its smile was shadowing half the room..





"Eclipse exe has successfully been rebooted"

Eclipse got up, recalling his past memory, and his rays shifted, the room was as quite as death, he knew he had to get the star before anything, he could also tell it was in Moon's lab on the 10th floor. He got up and opened the door slightly

Sun had gotten pretty curios, He got up and went over to the Scrap room, not knowing what behind the doors was...

Just as he got inside, Eclipse grabbed him by his hand and blocked his mouth so he couldn't speak

"Hello old friend, long time no see"

Sun was frozen in fear, His heart pounding but he couldn't move, 

"MMMMMMMMM!!!" Sun tried to let go of Eclipse's grasp but he couldn't, Eclipse threw him against the wall, took a crowbar from the side of the room, and flung it across Sun, shattering his rays and faceplate, he than picked up a knife and sliced off his hands so he couldn't move, tied him with ropes and locked the room on his way out.

Now that we got that out the way. He looked over at Sun's metallic arms he broke and took out so he could do something

{now calling Moondrop}

Eclipse imitated Sun's voice,


"Yeah Sun?"

"Uh.. the creator took me to this lab area, and he's saying that he's gonna make me his experiment."

"WHAT? Where are you"

"I dont know!"

"What does the place look like"

"uh.. It has - "

Eclipse purposely ended the call so he wouldn't become to suspicious. 

Moon on the other side left his lab, and quickly took the elevator, ECLIPSE on the other hand went over to the electricians room, and pulled the Elevators cords, Making it stop

He than went over to the OTHER elevator to the 10th floor, Outsmarting Moon.

He opened the door and chuckled to himself "Forgot to lock the door Moon~" He went in, pushed some buttons, and took the star, he red the details Moon had written for it

•|Discontinued|• The Sun and Moon Show {Angstshots/Oneshots}Where stories live. Discover now