Chapter 11 Heather

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I don't even know why I'm here he has been so rude to me over the years.
But at this point, I didn't hate him I was just worried. He was in the hospital after I think he got into a fight again. When the doctor came into the waiting room and told me that he had fainted from losing blood.
I found myself tearing up. A few moments later a little girl with brunette curls and dark green eyes just like his . Walked in with a woman and a man behind her.I supposed they were his family.The mother came up to me.
-Hi do you know anything about my son Nicholas?
-He is in room 5 but we are not allowed to see him he fainted because of blood loss.
-And you are? His father asked.
-I'm Heather..
-Are you his girlfriend? the little girl asked.
-No I'm just a friend.
-Then why are you here none of his friends are here.
-Honey that's not nice I'm assuming you brought him to the hospital. .
The tension in the room was horrible
His family was staring at me like I was an insect that they were going to crush.
After a few more hours the doctor walked in breaking the tension.
He was awake his family went to visit him. While I just waited there like a weird person. I should just leave maybe he doesn't even want to see me.So I just left I didn't want to fell bad

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