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Matilda's first day back at school was a haze of isolation and silence

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Matilda's first day back at school was a haze of isolation and silence. 

From the moment she stepped into the bustling hallways, she averted her gaze, determined to avoid any interaction. She moved through her classes like a ghost, her presence barely acknowledged by her peers. 

At lunch, she chose a secluded corner in the library, burying herself in her books, the pages a refuge from the din of the cafeteria. 

In the classrooms, she kept her head down, diligently taking notes but never raising her hand.

Whispers and glances followed her, remnants of yesterday's humiliation, but she paid them no heed. Her focus was singular—get through the day unnoticed, her heart fortified against the mocking laughter and pitiless eyes of her classmates.

Until she was approached by Maxine in the corridors.

"Back-to-school party in our common room tonight, you're coming," Maxine declared, grabbing Matilda's shoulders with infectious enthusiasm.

Matilda laughed despite herself. "I've never been to any of these parties before. What makes you think I'll go now?" she asked, attempting to shove Maxine away.

"Because you're getting your first boyfriend this year," Maxine giggled, then quickly added, "Or girlfriend!" Matilda scoffed as she turned to head to her dorm.

 "Even if I do go, which I'm not, what would I wear?"

Maxine squealed with excitement. "I have so many options for you! And I'm sure Pansy will help too," she exclaimed. "Let's go, the party starts at 8 pm. We have two hours to get you ready!"

 Maxine said, practically dragging Matilda towards the dormitory.

"Hey, I never agreed!" Matilda yelped as she was being pulled along.

Maxine didn't let up, her excitement undeterred. "Trust me, you'll have fun. And who knows? Maybe you'll even meet someone special. Besides, you can't hide forever."

As they reached the dormitory, Pansy Parkinson was already waiting, a mischievous grin on her face. "I hear we've got a makeover to do!" she announced, holding up a selection of outfits.

Matilda sighed, realizing resistance was futile. "Alright, but only this once," she muttered.

Maxine and Pansy exchanged triumphant looks, wasting no time in starting the transformation. As they worked, Matilda found herself reluctantly enjoying their chatter and laughter. Maybe, just maybe, this night wouldn't be as dreadful as she feared.

𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐀 ,, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐨 𝐫𝐢𝐝𝐝𝐥𝐞 𝐱 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐨𝐜 Where stories live. Discover now