One 🌹 Beauty and the Beast

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🥀     "Oh, come on

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🥀 "Oh, come on. You're seriously charging me full price? It's your birthday - mixed - Halloween party!"

The two Ravenclaw girls were walking through the Hogwarts grounds, arms linked and laden with various woollen scarves and blankets. Autumn was evident in the frosty air, their cheeks and noses stingingly cold as they huddled together, conserving the slight bit of warmth eachothers breaths caused. The Highlands were always furiously chilled, but there had been a vast temperature drop the night before, hence the reason they were carrying a bizarre amount of warm blankets and gloves.

Briar struggled to catch her footing again after tripping on a loose bit of earth, unable to catch herself as her arms were perfectly busy carrying a bundle of clothes she could hardly see over. "No exceptions, Kimmy! You're lucky I'm not charging you extra for spoiling the surprise."

Kimmy was a girl with her head always in the clouds (maybe that's why she was always bumping into people?) and her nose in the books. She was a vastly pretty girl who was dating a Slytherin boy in the year above and had been since their first year in hogwarts. Briar juggled her jealousy at their relationship with her confusion at how they managed to stay together after countless screaming matches in the centre of the Great Hall. They even sent eachother Howlers when they were too furious to face eachother.

She suddenly turned sheepish. "Well... that's not really fair, is it? I'm out here on a Sunday when I could be getting Christmas presents at Hogsmeade, only to leave the trip super early and help you cart all this crap back up to the castle, and you won't even give me a bargain on the butterbeer I'm missing out on by helping you?"

Briar blew a stray curl from her face impatiently, inwardly cursing herself for not making sure all of her thick hair was tied back before deciding to take the journey uphill. Her hair puffed behind her prettily, but the hair in front didn't do well for how much she was sweating. "I thought your new year's resolution was to help me with my new year's resolution, Kimmy?"

Kimmy groaned. "I didn't realize that you'd actually remember. And halfway through the year, too - way harsh, because I thought I was in the clear."

The two Ravenclaws were what you could call inherently privileged.

They grew up in fully magic homes, purebloods beauties who wanted for nothing but the presents their parents would buy them at Christmas, having already bought them too much for their birthdays. However, while their privilege was similar, their upbringings were vastly different.

Kimmy was raised in a manor, surrounded by the pureblood children of her parents friends. Briar was raised in the Three Broomsticks, the most popular pub in Hogsmeade from it's homely warmth and sweet drinks which tasted just better than from the bottle.

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⏰ Last updated: May 05 ⏰

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