2. what the fu-

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As the lesson ended and you were just chilling in your seat you watched as the boys played around while the teachers were gone

You watch as Kevin, till and Amin throw a chair...? OUT OF THE WINDOW!?

you let out a gasp that makes everyone turn and see what the three of them are doing  as the chair lands on the ground with a loud *THUD* making you face palm 

'that poor chair and window' you think to yourself as you sigh, the teachers come back after hearing the comission and look like disapointed mothers scolding their children

"who will tell me what happened?" mrs Moa crossed her arms infront of her chest while walking to the front of the class

of course you were no snitch and kept quiet, you knew the speaking of 'snitches get no bitches' and you loved your bitches and discord kittens

moa's eyes roamed around the classroom, no one was saying anything "then we'll pick." she pulled out a list and let her finger go up and down before landing on the number '19' moa smiles and looks at till "mind telling me what happened, till?" 

Till's eyes widened before calmly answering "someone threw a chair out the window." "give me the names." mrs thierauf immeadiately said in a more commanding tone. They definitely weren't playing around.

Till swallowed heavily but luckily moa looked back down at the list "Olaf." Ms moa looked up "it was Kevin, till and Amin." Olaf said nervously 'they definitely were in big trouble.

Moa just laughed out loud "You guys seriously threw a chair out the window?" I wiped away a fake tear "You two Kevin and till will get the chair back up since Amin has to go." Everyone looked at her confused, where is Amin going?

"I'm changing schools." Amin spoke up excited.

The Crazy Class 2Where stories live. Discover now