Chapter 1- SWF High

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*mention of blood, violence, and rape. Read with discretion*

Lee Y/N's POV:

"Principal Carter, I'm sure there's something we can do. She can't just get expelled in the last month of school. Please." My mom said as she spoke to the school's principal.

"Mrs. Lee, we are talking about Y/N beating up two seniors. Look at her knuckles. She broke one of the boys' noses. She's gotten into several fights this year." He replied in an aggravated tone.

"Y/N, why did you do that? You're not the kind to use violence unless it's necessary." My mom turned to me and I simply cleaned my knuckles with a damp towel.

"Oh, you're right. I actually have footage of all the fights I've been in, Mom, and I can tell you exactly why I fought but he can too. Right, Mr. Carter?" I said as I glanced at him and continued to clean my bloody hand.

"Well, the boys were bothering a girl. But that's how teens play nowadays." He said in nervousness.

"Sure, because I love the game of getting sexually harassed by seniors in the changing rooms. If it wasn't my hideout that freshman would've gotten raped. Want me to leak that to the board of education Mr. Carter?" I simply said and didn't bother to look at him at all.

He would always let the seniors do whatever they wanted and I couldn't stand it.

"Okay, okay fine! You can finish your last month here but I will not accept you back here next year. Are we good?" He asked and my mom agreed. She then dragged me to the car and the ride was silent till we got to the house.

I knew I was dead meat. If there is anyone I am afraid of, it's my mom. My mom didn't know about any of my fights because we simply didn't tell her.

My best friend Emma would always cover up for me. Emma is always at our house so when they called my mom from school, she would take the call. We pulled it off until we didn't.

The school called while Mom was on the phone with my aunt. Lucky me. Emma and I couldn't do anything about it and I got in trouble.

And so she scolded me really bad. She told me that she couldn't believe I would engage in physical violence when I could simply use my words.

Then she said the most unexpected words,
"I'm really proud of you, honey." She hugged me and kissed my head.

"You stood up for the weak and that is something I admire. Now go to your room, you're grounded till you go on summer break." I smiled and walked to my room where all of my friends awaited for me.

"How did you guys get in?" I asked.

"Emma found the spare key, walked in, and opened the window to your room so we could come in. How did it go?" Asked Audrey as she crossed her legs.

"I am grounded for the rest of the month. But at least she's proud of me." I smiled

"Why did you get yourself grounded when we were going to teach you how to dance!" Said Kirsten.

"Don't start with that. You know I'm on a beginner level and there is no way you can teach me. I'm stiff like a rock." I replied and threw myself on the bed.

I screamed on my pillow.

"Come here," I felt someone pull me by my arm and I sat up.

Latrice was holding my hand and putting some ointment on it. These girls are like my sisters. I love them so much and we practically grew up together and we care for each other all the time.

The only inconvenience is that we go to different schools since middle school but that never kept us apart.

"Where's Ling?" I asked as Latrice wrapped my hands in a bandage as well as my fingers.

I'm Not Scared of You (Bada Lee x Reader) AU 18+Where stories live. Discover now