A Hectic Dream, Come True.

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Hours later, I lay in bed tossing and turning. My mind raced with a thousand thoughts.

"What should I wear to the concert?"

"How could I make myself stand out in the crowd and catch the eye of Michael? Not even for just the meet and greet, but for the whole concert too!"

It wasn't just about the music; it was about getting to meet him in person!
I don't want my makeup or hair to look messed up, I want to be THAT girl at this concert tomorrow.

My thoughts were in shambles, my excitement and anxiety tangled into a restless knot. I replayed their songs in my mind, their voices filling my room. I ran through scenarios about meeting Michael, how should I approach him? Would being direct be too much? I definitely don't want to be star struck and a crazy fan girl because I know he most likely won't like that. Who would?

The hours slipped away, and I found myself watching the clock, thinking, running through scenarios, counting down the moments over and over, until dawn.

Morning arrived with a golden glow, and I couldn't contain my excitement. I leaped out of bed, my heart racing faster than ever. Today was the day, the day I would see The Jacksons in concert and maybe meet Michael.

I rushed to my closet, scanning through my limited wardrobe, searching for the perfect outfit. After much deliberation, I settled on a v-neck sequined minidress, paired with knee-high white boots and sparkly jewlery. My reflection in the mirror seemed to shimmer with anticipation.

With every step of my morning routine, I couldn't help but think about the evening ahead. The concert was still hours away, but I felt a jolt of electricity in my veins. I carefully styled my hair, perfecting my curtain bangs and curling the layers in my hair. My makeup was bold,
with winged eyeliner and a rosey red lipstick that matched the color of my lips; I looked like a celebrity by the time I was done.

As I made my way downstairs, my family couldn't help but notice my exuberance.

"Well well, someone's in a good mood!"

my mother remarked with a knowing smile.

I couldn't hide my excitement any longer.

"I won tickets to The Jacksons' concert, Mom! Can you believe it?"

The room erupted in cheers and congratulations. My younger siblings danced around me, caught up in the infectious joy. But my mind kept drifting back to Michael Jackson and meeting him.

Hours later, as the sun began its descent, I stood in front of the mirror once more, a vision of gorgeous fashion and optimism as I run my hands down my waist to smooth my dress out.

The time had come to head to the concert venue. With my tickets clutched tightly in hand, I took a deep breath, ready to step into a world where dreams came true.

Little did I know that this night would be more than just a concert; it would be the beginning of an unforgettable journey, a journey into the music and magic of The Jacksons and the chance to meet the one who had stolen my heart, Michael Jackson.

I step into my blue 1975 Camaro, and sigh my anxiety away as I put my keys in the ignition; the engine roaring as the car turns on. I smirk as the excitement finally settles in that I am not too far from seeing the man of my dreams, hearing the music I've longed to hear live since I was a little kid. I put my Jackson 5 tape in my car's tape player and pull out of the driveway in reverse, waving back to my mother who is standing at the front door with my family waving goodbye to me.

It's time.

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