No one else's judgement matters

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No one else's judgement matters, only our own. Sometimes thoughts can be vile and tell us that we need to listen or follow others' judgement for our well being, perhaps because we don't trust ourselves enough to think our decision making is better. But it is.

No one else knows you like you do. Why? Because deep down your core, the true you lives. It is inside of you. All of the questions you ask, the answers are all within you. Everything is within you because you are everything. The universe experiencing itself.

*"Through our eyes, the universe is perceiving itself." -Alan Watts*

And so is everyone else. You are a unique part of the universe, so is every single other soul that exists, that has ever existed and that will exist. You are the only you. They are the only them. Not only can no one save you, you cannot save anyone else. This is your journey.

You can help people, inspire people, motivate people, but their actions, decisions are theirs to make. That's why one cannot blame anyone else, because it is their actions, decisions, reactions that led them where they are.

You can only control yourself. You cannot control what goes on around you; situations, people, animals... Only you. The only thing you can control and benefit from is your reaction.

To conclude, we are all unique, special, different from one another, but we are all the same thing. We are all brothers and sisters, siblings, birthed from the same mother.

We only know our journey.

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