5 Things I Do That Have Changed my Life

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Following the heart

Your heart is you. For me, following the heart consists three things; following the heart, intuition and higher self. They are all like the same thing for me, that gut feeling, or that feeling in the heart area, or that wise voice in the mind. That is what following the heart means to me. 

Since the heart, intuition and highest self is you, they know you best - like no one else does. They know your true desires and passions, the purpose of your very existence - and they know how to get you there. Therefore, when one listens to their heart (heart, intuition and higher self) they know they will achieve their dream life for sure, because they are working with something that not only understands them, but the universe too.

The heart is universal, is spiritual, it goes beyond the physical realm because it is love. That is what the heart represents. Love is the most powerful force in the universe and you have that very thing within you at all times in all places.

There will be rough patches no matter if one follows the heart or not. It's either living a life that isn't yours, or becoming who you are meant to be.

If you ever need advice on anything, before asking someone else, ask your heart - that is the greatest advice I can ever give; "Listen to your heart." and it will guide you wherever you need to go. 

"The heart is the answer to everything. The heart knows everything." - Lauren

Taking risks

Following the heart means taking risks. The heart does not follow fears or negative beliefs, the heart only follows the path of love and peace. The heart knows it will be uncomfortable, there will be fears to face and rough patches, but that is the path to becoming the best version of yourself. One needs to go through those bumps on the road to grow and learn and transform.

All risks that you will take will work out, because it is your heart that led you to them. The heart will not let you down, it is guiding you through what you need to go through, but it always works out and gets better. You'll say; "I am so glad I took that risk." even with the downside.

Taking risks is like a rollercoaster, the first time you get on the ride, you won't have your arms up and smile, you'll be absolutely terrified. Terrified of falling off, and having this life taken away. But, once you keep riding those roller coaster, even if a part of you is terrified, the fear dims down and you're able to lift your arms up, smile and enjoy the ride. It's the same thing with taking risks - the more you do it the more comfortable you get with throwing yourself to the wind and letting the unknown take you places. I can tell you this because it is happening to me. Taking risks for me is almost as easy as tying shoe laces, or cooking something. It isn't as easy as breathing yet, but I'm getting there! I take risks all of the time, because I know it's going to work out for me, I know I'll make it out alive and better than I was. 

"To risk your life is to truly live." - Lauren

Don't listen to them

Success does leave hints, I have idols that I seek advice from, the people I am talking about are the people that just don't get it. They don't see your vision, they don't see your passion - they don't see what you see. Just like how I say to not tell people what you're manifesting; because they won't get it. They will give you a reaction that wasn't your expectation and you will be disappointed. You can't blame them, they're not in your mind: They don't see what you see. So their advice doesn't match what you need to hear. They just put their own fears onto you. They can't see past their own fears. Let's say you don't want to go to college, they would question this and say "How will you make money?" and worry about a bunch of aspects that actually don't matter. They are people who are stuck in the comfort zone, taking risks is not their fortay. Therefore, the only advice they will give you is how to stay in the comfort zone, which is not what you would like to do, I'm guessing since you are reading this.

Be careful who you listen to. As you grow in life, you will attract people that are on the same level as you and the ones who aren't on your level will go away on their own path. It is the way of life. Just because you connected with them before, doesn't mean you will for the rest of your life.

I am never alone

There are moments in life where we feel very lonely. Once I comprehended that no one would ever understand me, because no one has lived through every single moment of my life and can't read my thoughts or mind. I felt misunderstood and lonely. But what I've learned is that we are never truly alone. There is always someone, something to talk to and to connect too. Communication isn't just through words and voice, but can be anything. Plants, animals, teddy bears, spirits, ancestors, spirit guides, angels, Jesus, the universe, Gods... - Whatever you believe in. 

"Everything is alive. You are connected to everything." - Lauren

Cleansing myself

Bad and Good exist. Cleansing is important because there are such things as carrying on someone else's energy, someone cursing you, negativity following you, your negative thoughts... They can all leave a mark, so it is nice to cleanse yourself to start fresh and let go of the unneeded.

Thank you for reading, love! If you would like to watch the video version of this here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wBt39Cprxtc

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⏰ Cập nhật Lần cuối: Jan 03 ⏰

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