Chapter 1 Abuse

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Riker's POV

One, two, three, four cuts.....

Drip drip drip the sound of my blood.....

Five, six, seven, eight more cuts.....

Drip drop drip drop again the sound of my blood.....

I lost count at 30 on each arm.

"Riker dinner's ready" Rydel my older sister yelled.

Before we go any farther let me tell you a little about myself. My name is Riker Anthony Lynch, I'm 13 years old, I have one older sister, Rydel she's 18 years old, I also have three older brothers, Ryland who's 15, Rocky who's 17, and Ross who's 20. I'm gay, I'm bullied at school, my dad abuses me at home when no ones there, this has been going on since I was either 5 or 6? I can't remember, but anyways if you were listening early i was cutting. Yeah i know...FREAK. I don't care that's what my dad calls me.

I decide to take a shower. So I take a really fast one, clean and bandage my cuts, and head downstairs to eat. I don't eat much any more though. People at school call me fat, ugly, faggot, disappointment, worthless, and they tell I should kill muly self.

When i get downstairs my family is already sitting at the table. Well actually the only people are me, Rydel, dad, and mom because I think Ryland is at a friend's, Rocky's at some "special" academy for dance, and Ross is at college.

I sit down and start eating. When I finish. Put my plate in the sink and was about to go up to my room because mom said I could. I was halfway up the stairs when my dad said "Riker will you come with me for a second." Of course I replied with a yes. He told me to sit down when we were in his office type area.

"W-where's Rydel and m-m-mom?" I asked. Bad idea I thought because suddenly I was on the floor and the left side of my face burned. "DON'T SPEAK UNLESS I SAY YOU CAN GOT THAT BRAT!?" He yelled, more like screamed. "Y-y-yes s-sir." I stuttered. "Good," he said "now to answer your question, Riker, they went to get Ryland, pick Rocky up from the airport and get groceries from the store. So you're all mine tonight, Rikey." The way he said my name scared me. He said it with so much venom. I felt something hit me on the nose. I fell to the floor holding my nose. My dad jumped on top of me and started punching me. When he finished that I felt so dizzy. "Don't go to sleep yet we're not done yet" he said.

I could barely keep my eyes open. I suddenly felt myself being turned around and my pants being taken off. I suddenly felt awake. No no no I thought, he can't be doing this, no no no! I started to fight back. That only earned me to be slammed into the ground really, really hard. I felt dizzy again. "Don't fight it baby," I heard my dad say "it'll only hurt a lot haha."

I felt a excruciating pain in my butt. I screamed, before everything went black I thought who's gonna save me?

Hey guys hope you like it!
Poor Riker
So what do you think happened?
When should I bring Ross into the story?
Who will save him?


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