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It was the end of  August when Joe and Grace decided to take Bella on a vacation over in Hampton Bays. They figured that some time away from the city would be good for all three of them. Grace was especially excited for this vacation because this would be the first time Bella would be going to a beach. She bought pink and frilly swimsuits for the occasion. They decided to go to the beach in the late afternoon so it wouldn't be too crowded. After, Joe and Grace were finished with packing. Grace changed Bella into a pink-polka dot swimsuit with a matching sunhat. Grace carried her out into the living area of their hotel room. "Ta-da!" She exclaimed in reference to Bella who she was carrying on her hip. "You look so pretty" he says to Bella and kisses her on the cheek. "Tank you dada" she says. Joe packs their car with beach essentials. Grace straps Bella into her car seat and they make their way to the beach. The beach wasn't too crowded. They put their blanket down and tried playing with Bella. "Mama!" She exclaimed as she was playing with the sand. "Yeah babe?" Grace asked her. "Soft" Bella said referring to the sand. "You're right the sand is soft" Grace said enthusiastically to Bella. Bella being the outgoing toddler she was made it a point to wave and say hi to every living breathing thing that passed by. Most people waved back at her and awed at her hair. She would smile proudly like a celebrity when people did that. Bella jokingly put a bucket on that. "What's that?" Joe said while referring to the beach bucket she put on her hat. "Hat" she stated proudly. "Oh it's a hat?" Grace asked while laughing. "Yes" she said. "That's cool" Joe said playing along with her. Joe and grace both laughed at her and Bella started cracking up also. Grace took a beach ball out of the bag and the family all started playing catch with each other. "Hey Bells, do you wanna go build a sandcastle?" Grace asked Bella. "Yeah" Bella said. Grace instructed Bella to pick up her bucket and bring it down to the shoreline. Joe helped Bella walk down there. "Alright, babe" Grace said to Bella. "Put the bucket on the sand" she instructed to her. Joe helped Bella with the bucket. "Now, you're gonna put it back down" Grace said. Bella was amazed at the sand castle she had made. "Yay!" They all cheered. They spent the rest of the night by the shoreline. Joe scooped up Bella as Grace went back to the blanket to put Bella's toys away. "What are you thinking about mija?" He asked her. "Water" she exclaimed happily. "Yeah, that's the water" he said while pointing to the ocean. "Daddy?" She asked. "Yeah pretty girl?" He asked "Wove you". "I love you too Bella girl" Joe said. After, they started packing up they discovered a concession on the beach. "Wanna get some ice cream?" Joe asked. "Ice cream before dinner?" Grace jokingly asked. "Hey, we're on vacation" Joe said. "Alright then". They walked to the ice cream stand. They got their ice cream. Grace decided to change Bella in case she fell asleep on the way home. So? She went into the bathroom where she put her in some more comfortable clothing. They saw a playground near the beach and decided to walk there. Bella played there for a little bit but Joe and Grace could tell that she was getting tired. So, they decided to go back to the airbnb that they were staying at. Grace strapped Bella into the carseat and they made their way home. They made their way back. It looked like that Bella fell asleep on the way home. Joe took Bella out of her carseat. "Is she asleep?" Grace whispered. "Looks like it, I'll put her to bed" he said to Grace and kissed Grace on the forehead. Joe carried Bella in. He rubbed her back and kissed her forehead as he put her into the crib. "Love you Bella". He swore he heard her mumble "Wove you daddy". Then, he helped Grace unpack the star and thanked his lucky stars for his wife and daughter

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