Aunt Mall Cop Is One Of Them

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My feet were grabbed by one of them, one of the cult members who was hiding in the darkness of the elevator before leaping at us and trying to pull me back down. I was trying to kick them off, landing a few hits on what I originally thought was a nose before Angus got the elevator down far enough to get the person stuck.

The hood flew off, along with a helmet and as Bea went to help Angus and Gregg held onto me I just couldn't believe what I was seeing. But it wasn't seen for long since one final pull at the elevator stick sent it all the way down, dislodging my aunt's arm and finally sending me back to my best friend.

That's when the rockslide hit and we were plunged into darkness. I wasn't hit, Gregg, made sure of it, but I couldn't move. Too shocked to believe that Aunt Mall Cop tried to kill me, that she was the one chasing me all along.

"Is everyone okay?" Bea said into the darkness.

Gregg started shaking me, probably thinking I was unconscious or dead. "Mae! Mae!" he was saying. "Mae, say something!"

I didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but either way I couldn't talk. So in the end I just laughed, since I had yet again escaped death and couldn't think of anything to say. Gregg was soon laughing along with me, and we were just like that for a few seconds.

"Why are we laughing?" Bea eventually asked. That's when the fear and hurt crept in, and I let out choked sobs.

Gregg started patting me on the head very gently. "Dude, it's okay. We messed that guy up and he's not coming back," he said. "You're gonna walk out of this." I highly doubted it but said nothing. There was no point since it probably wouldn't be useful anyway.

"So how are we going to get out of here?" Bea asked, and even though I couldn't see her I knew she was worried.

"Shh, let Mae rest," Gregg answered, and I'm pretty sure she rolled her eyes to that response. All I really did was close my eyes and listen in to whatever they were going to talk about.

There was a few seconds before Angus said: "I feel air coming from somewhere, soooo we're not gonna suffocate!"

"Okay, so that's a relief," Bea said, sounding a little happy.

"How did you-" Gregg started to ask.

"I was a scout, Gregg," Angus answered. "I was a scout." I couldn't help but smile, these two were so cute together.

"Hey Angus," my best friend said into the dark.

"Yeah?" the big guy said.

"I love you," Gregg answered. And at that point I was overwhelmed by the cuteness and let out a 'D'AAAAAAWWWW!"

Bea chuckled slightly. "Welcome back, Mae," she said with a smile clear in her voice.

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