Jade-Sweet Sixteens

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"HAPPY BITHDAY- oh wait you missed one candle" Autum said. I blew out the last candle and made a wish.

"Come on now make a wish."

"I already have smartass" I said laughing to A.

"Damn! Sorry Jade, I didn't know you knew such a word. Your always so sweet and responsible". She said with a sarcastic voice.

"ha-ha so funny". I said and felt a smirk on my face because I was just so not. If you're wondering who always pranked the teacher, was late every time and wouldn't leave a fight behind... well yeah that was me. It has always been a problem to me, but I've learned to control my self more over the years. Anyway, today it's my birthday and I don't want to think of anything bad. "There's cake everybody be welcome to take". I spoke. Wow that was actually very nice said, be proud jade.

Everyone took a piece of cake and sat down talking. A and I moved over to a corner, where we could sit and talk alone.

I can't believe that I am sixteen years old. It's New Year's Eve and the fireworks are about to start. My dad has made a call like every other year. But If just A is here, I have all I need. But all I am thinking about to be honest is that, I just don't know if I can get through the year without mom. It's already been 2 months since she passed away and the worst two months of my life, and even more so for my dad. He almost lost his company because after Mum's death he had a breakdown. He was crying every night and I didn't know what to do. I just locked myself up in my room, night and day. Every day after school A came over to be with me. It's all connected.

"What are you thinking about" she said concerned.


"You, okay? You were all zoomed out". I didn't answer her. I couldn't. Something prevented me from speaking suddenly. Not again. My head hurts, I couldn't think clearly. Where was I?. It's all connected. "AWW". I screamed. I couldn't hear what A said to me, I could only feel her arms around me and see the fear in her eyes. The room turned darker around me, but nothing happened. This was a lot different from the last time, but I was alone when that happened. It was 2 years ago why has it come back? My legs burned and I couldn't move my arms. Tears were rolling down my cheek. My vision wasn't clear anymore and I couldn't see anything. Then over in a corner of the room I saw something. It happened so quickly and then gone. What was it? or who was it" My vision became clear again and I panicked. "DID YOU SEE THAT!". I screamed in frustration. I wanted to get an answar to what was happening. Just one answar. Only one. "Saw what and what is happening? Your crying". Stabbed. a knife went right through my back or well it felt like that. Then blood all over my hands. You can't keep denying this. Darkness covered my eyes and then it all went black.


I woke up in a white room. The white light blinded me, and I couldn't see where I was. Someone was talking but I couldn't hear them. I tried to move my body but not a single thing happened. I then tried blinking and the persons saw it. There was a man that rushed to me and then a girl right after him. I heard some kind of beeping sound beside me and something warm was wrapped around my body. Warm, white light and a beeping sound... I was in a hospital, and it must then be the doctor standing right beside my bed writing something down. My eyes started closing and then nothing. Then a touch sliding down my body from my arm to my legs. Warm hands holding my cheeks and that's all I remember before falling asleep.


I woke up in the same room again, but no one was here. I lay in the bed for some minutes before trying to sit up. I didn't have much power in me, but I succeeded in sitting up. the muscles in my arms and legs felt weak. Like I was built of spaghetti. I saw a tall girl with hair falling down her back i tones brown and red. She had brown eyes and freckles. She was also wearing a cream white sweater with black stripes at the end and then some grey-black flared jeans. I realized that it was A who came in the room. Her face lit up when she saw that I was awake. Her arms came around me for a big hug. What is she doing here. She started talking about a whole lot of stuff, but I didn't really hear any of it my head still hurts. "Sorry I know you're not feelling very well" and then she mutters something about dumb her. A doctor then came to us.

"ah I see you're awake now, how are you feeling?". He said to me.

"g- go- gg- gooddeeedhf- gree- gge". What was happening? Why couldn't I speak. It was like I said the words in my head and then I just tried to push them out trough my mouth and yeah well it wasn't successful. "I can see that your still affected and tired, we'll give you time to rest. You can come back tomorrow miss Autum, for now she needs more time". The doctor said and showed A out of the room. He went back and took something from the table and then the door closed behind him. Then I just laid down counting till whenever he came back...

It felt like hours and meanwhile I practiced speaking in case I needed it. It wasn't going very well but I manage to say some words. 

I heard steps coming from behind the door. The doctor and another man came in. They walked over to my bed and the doctor did some doctor thing on a computer beside my bed. "Okay so let's try again. Can you tell me your name?". The doctor said in a relaxing tone. "M-my". Just breath Jade. Inhale and exhale. Okay try again. I tried again and managed to say my name. "I can see that you're making process Jade, but you still need more time to rest". The doctor said. "When do we think she can come home?" The man said behind the doctor. "It won't be long, but we can't be sure because this is still new to us. We still haven't had any success finding out what happened to her". A sound started ringing in my ear, but I tried my best not to make a scene out of it. It got louder now. Louder. The words "Aww" escaped my mouth. "Jade, can you tell me what hurts". I then got my voice back. "Nothing I just got a cramp". I said to them. "Oh, impressive I can see that your much better now when you can talk". He said, and I think he was suprised. The doctor and the other man walked away and talked privately in a corner of the room. I listened very carefully and heard something about that they really can't do much for me here and it was for the best if I got home. Seconds later they walked over to me and said they were sending me home. Then the next moment my dad came in and took me home.

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