Rose-Chapter 6

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"This is so much better than school" Leo commented, stuffing his face with some tacos. "We should do this everyday".
"Until your brother finds out, then you'll be in deep shit" Lily replied him rolling her eyes in the process. I wasnt really in the mood to eat, the fact that West was now attending our school was enough to leave me without an appetite and that was exactly what had happened. I pushed my food around my plate until i could barely look at it.
"Rose.." Lily said looking at me "whats up?".
I looked at her and back at my food. "Im not hungry, maybe we should go home". Leo and Lily exchanged looks and then shrugged. We packed up our things and headed for home, even though school wasnt even over yet, but then i wasnt caring about what my brothers were going to say. I just wanted to go home and go and sleep. We walked home in silence, until we got to my house. I waved lily and Leo good bye before trying to open the front door. It was locked. Weird actually. Our door was open most of the time, so i knocked really loud until Nolan came to open the door for me. He stared at me, blinking a few times as he did so, them he looked at his watch.
"What are you doing here? School isn't over" he said, looking at me with a raised eyebrow. "You cant be here right now" .I wasnt in the mood, so i just shrugged and pushed past him into the house. I headed straight doe the kitchen, with Nolan straight on my heel. I wondered why he was so frantic, i walked right into the kitchen and froze. There were three people there Luke, Isaiah and someone i had neve seen before but damn, he was a sight for sore eyes. He was tall and well built, with dark brown hair and the most beautiful green eyes. He was dresses in a white button up shirt that was rolled up at the sleeves and gave me a very good view of his tattooed arm. There was silence in the kitchen as i stared and everyone  stared right back. Nolan entered he kitchen with an annoyed expression on his face, breathing heavily.
"Your not supposed to be home" Luke announced, like i didnt fucking know.
"And?" I asked, daring him to continue. I walked past the stranger who had his eyes glues on me, damn, i could feel myself sweating at the intense gaze he was giving me. I walked straight to the pantry, took some snacks and a drink from the fridge. I was about leaving when the stranger stood right in front of me, blocking my escape route.
"Can i help you?" I asked. He looked down at me, his lips pressed in a thin line and his head tilted to the side as if he was thinking.
" you must be Roselynn" he stated. His voice deep and manly. There was no way i could date him because he looked a lot older than i was but then his voice was just sexy.
"Rose"  i corrected. "Everyone calles me Rose".
"Im not everyone, im Ares, and you've got alot of audacity being here right now".
I raised an eyebrow at him and chuckled. "The fuck dude, this is my house and i can be in it whenever i want"
"You're supposed to be in school"  it was Isaiah that spoke this time. I looked at all of them wandering what the hell was going on.
"Are you guys having a meeting or what?" I looked straight at Nolan who was looking everywhere but at me.
"We're discussing somethings" Luke replied "please excuse us". I rolled my eyes but left anyways, ignoring the stare that was burning into my back. I headed to my room and shut the door really loud to show my annoyance. The fuck was Isaiah doing in our house, i thought Nolan hated him and who was the new guy.  I was curious but then again i wasnt really bothered. It was probably Nolan's college friend because ive heard him mention Ares before. I settled on my bed and put Netflix on to watch. 3 movies later i heard a door slam shut, i walked to my window and stared out. There was a black car sitting in our driveway and two men dressed in black suit were standing in front of the car. Ares was talking to Nolan, i couldnt really hear what he said but then i just caught him mentioning my name in passing and something about dangerous. Ares got into his car, and wound down the window. He looked out and at that moment our eyes met. He stared for a second before the glass was wound up and his car was driven off. I shut my window and headed out of my room. i could hear Nolan talking, anger evident in his voice. I stood on the stairs, giving me the opportunity to see him but he couldn't see me. He was talking to isaiah.
"This is your fault, i never wanted this, you said it was one time".
Isaiah shrugged "sorry men, i thought that too but Ares can be very demanding".
"If anything happens" Nolan threatened with so much anger "ill kill you". With those words said he stormed off. I stood frozen for a while, and i didnt even notice when isaiah came into my line of view. He stared at me for a second with a slight grimace, i nodded at him and with that, retreated into my room.

🙏🙏Apologies for the very late update. University is very hectic and tiring, ive been too busy these few weeks to update but heres an update and by the grace of God i will be updating on Sundays but you guys gotta be patient and remind me. Thanks.

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