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Draconis de Angelo had no idea who had sent the package that had just arrived on his desk. He had set it aside after looking over it and seeing that it had been sent to him anonymously.

He had continued working through the paperwork left on his desk and was curious about the package on the side table in his office. Three hours later once he had finished through the papers and was closing up after hours, he remembered the package that had been sitting on the side table out of the way of anyone knocking it down accidentally.

"Ah....that's right, I wonder who would send me a package and not write a name to go with it", Draco mused.

He ripped the packaging a bit roughly, as a slip of paper fell out....he picked it up and looked at the contents in confusion. He then immediately observed that there were only four photos that came with a letter and that his wife Ciriana featured in all of the pictures with another man.

"What the hell is this", he thought angrily.

He looked closely at each photo and saw that she was wearing a different colored wig in each one and wore a low cut short dress with expensive jewelry adorning her slim neck and the man with her looked foreign and very rich, if you took into account the places they were photographed on their dates. He burned with anger and gripped the pictures so tight his knuckles turned white from exertion.

"Nobody makes a fool of me...NOBODY"

Draco then looked at the letter that fell out when he had ripped the packaging and opened it to read.
It read as follows:

To Mister Draconis de Angelo, by now you should've seen the pictures I sent you and you are probably doubting if the woman in the photo is your wife. Let me ease your doubts and confirm for you that it's really her, if you doubt my words then check the top right corner of the photos and you'll see that it is dated three weeks ago and coincides with the date your wife was supposedly abroad attending a friend's wedding. Sorry to break it to you but she is cheating on you and I had to tell you this but I couldn't without first showing you proof of her infidelity.

P.S If you doubt the validity of my claims, check the photos for forgery.

Yours Anonymously,

Draco's eyes widened in disbelief as he processed the contents of the letter. He shook off the idea that was trying to take root in his mind, that Ciriana would ever cheat on him. He wondered how this person knew of his wife traveling abroad and then he knew he had to have the photos analyzed for authenticity. It seemed that whoever sent this letter and photos might be someone who wanted to break up his marriage to Ciriana.

He was still very desirable despite the fact that he was married and had been for five years now. Some women had tried throwing themselves at him over the years thinking they could sway him or seduce him into divorcing his wife, leaving her for them.

He had to find out though if they were real or not. He quickly dialed the number of a guy that owed him one or two favors and was in the business of verifying forged or fake photos and documents. It rang and was immediately answered.

"Good evening, Sir de Angelo, how can I help you".

"Francis, I need your expertise right now. Can you come by the office"?!, Draco asked urgently with a frown as he looked at the photos on his desk.

"Sure thing boss, meet you in twenty minutes tops", Francis replied with a grin.

"Good, alright then", Draco cut the call abruptly and sat down on his armchair in his spacious office. He rubbed his eyes tiredly and hoped that it was just a very bad joke that someone out there wanted to play on him. He couldn't stand the thought of Ciriana cheating on him and if it was true his heart wouldn't be able to take it.

Twenty minutes later, he heard a knock on his door and he got up to open it. "Good your here", Draco spoke as he let him into the office. Francis wiped the sweat from his forehead with a blue handkerchief and tucked it away into his shirt pocket. "What's the hurry boss, you don't usually sound frantic on the phone like that, Is something wrong with the company?", Francis asked in concern." No there is nothing wrong with the company... I'm still going through the reports of-----", Draco trailed of and shook his head a bit flustered.

"Wait, that's not why I called you here. I need you to verify for me if these photos are legit", Draco says as he hands over the photos in question to Francis. Francis takes a look at them and nods in agreement.

"Sure thing boss, how soon do I get it to you?"

"Tomorrow at 4pm just before my meeting at 4:30pm would be perfect. I'll pay extra for any inconvenience", replies Draco as he jotts down the time on a sticky notepad. "Alright then sir, I'll take my leave now, goodnight sir!", Francis shook Draco's hand and bid him goodnight and left the office.

Draco watched him go with a frown on his face. 'I hope it turns out to be just a hoax' were his thoughts as he picked up his briefcase and closed his office door.

As he slid into the backseat of his car, his thoughts flying everywhere. He motioned to the driver to take him home quickly. Thirty minutes later, saw the car pulling up to a silver studded black iron gate with the De Angelo family crest on it. They were buzzed in and the car drove through the beautiful landscape and stopped at the large front door of a massive sprawling mansion.

"You're dismissed for the evening....Sebas. I'm staying in tonight", Draco says absentminded as he gets out of the car.

"Yes sir", Sebas intoned respectfully.

Draco entered the mansion and sat down heavily on the pearl colored couch after he had slammed the front door a bit too roughly. He closed his eyes and pinched his nose in exhaustion and was slightly startled to hear his wife's voice sound so close. "Welcome home darling. How was work today?", Ciriana greeted him happily as she picked up his briefcase. Draco stared at her a bit trying to push the niggling doubt trying to fester in his mind away.

"Darling, what's wrong?", Ciriana asked in slight confusion and concern as the smile dropped from her pretty face.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2023 ⏰

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